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The mode is the value with the most data. Unfortunately it tells you nothing about the rest of the distribution. The mean and median provide more useful information in most situations.

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Q: Why is the mode not used very much as a measure of central tendency?
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Related questions

What does range tell us that mode does not?

Range is a measure of variation; mode is a measure of center. Range will tell you how much the data vary, mode does not tell you how much the data vary.

What measure of centrual tendency is most appropiate for sets of data with many identical points?

It depends on what you want. If it is simply to know what the "average" value is, then the mode may be the best in these circumstances. But if you want to do anything else - eg determine the spread of the data, or test any hypothesis about the data, you will be much better off with the mean. That is because the mean has been studied much more comprehensively than other measures of central tendency and its characteristics are incorporated into many statistical tests.

Is median used for when there is a wide range of numbers?

If the wide range is evenly spread between the very small and the very large (the distribution is symmetric) then there is not much to choose between the median and the mean. If not, the median will have some advantages as a measure of central tendency.

What measures of central location is affected most by extreme values?

The mean is most affected. Mode and Median are not influenced as much by outliers.

What is the definition of spread math?

Spread, in the context of a probability distribution, is a measure of how much the data vary about their central value.

What does to measure a man measure his heart mean?

It means to see what your man does and to see how much he cares and loves you( If you go to Central community school go to T.H. not a boy a girl).

Which measure would best to use in determining how much money customers usually spend a. range b mode c. median d. mean?

The median.

Why do we study dispersion?

It is not enough to know only the mean or some other measure of the central tendency: it is useful to know the dispersion. If, in a test, the average score is 50 and you score 52 you have clearly scored better than average but how much better? If the scores range from 0 to 100, you are pretty close to average whereas if they range from 48 to 52 you are amongst the top of the class!

What is the mean of deterioriation?

The mean of deterioration refers to the average extent of decline or worsening in a given situation or condition. It represents the central tendency of how much something has degraded or gotten worse over a specific period of time.

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They have a tendency of being $50

How much time does it take to get to the greenwich?

The time it takes to get to Greenwich can vary depending on the mode of transportation and your starting location. By public transportation, it usually takes around 30-40 minutes from central London.

Does iPhone cost if in airplane mode?

no, airplane mode pretty much makes the iphone a itouch