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Q: Why is the opposite side of the body paralyzed from the side that was affected?
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What part of the brain is damaged when the right side of your body is paralyzed?

Damage to the left side of the brain, specifically in areas such as the motor cortex or the pathways connecting the brain to the right side of the body, can result in paralysis on the right side of the body. These areas are responsible for controlling movement on the opposite side of the body.

Why wouldn't it be good practice to move a stroke patient from the affected side?

Assisting a person with one-sided weakness or hemiparalysis is risky for a couple of reasons. First, stroke patients often have numbness or neglect on their affected side. (Neglect is basically the brain 'forgetting' about the body part affected.) This makes assisting the person difficult, at best. Secondly, if the affected side is severely weakened or paralyzed, the patient cannot use their 'good' side to any advantage unless you are on that side to help them maintain balance. It seems counter-intuitive, but it's true!

What does contralateral mena?

It is the opposite side of the body

After a stroke how can a doctor tell which hemisphere was affected?

A doctor can determine which hemisphere of the brain was affected by a stroke by observing the physical symptoms of the patient. For example, if the right hemisphere is affected, there may be weakness or paralysis on the left side of the body, and vice versa. Imaging tests such as MRI or CT scans can also help locate the area of the brain where the stroke occurred.

The side of the body containing the backbone is?

The side of the body that contains the backbone is the posterior side, also known as the dorsal side. It is opposite to the front side of the body, which is the anterior side or ventral side.

The heel of the foot is on what side of the body?

The heel of the foot is located on the posterior side of the body, opposite the toes.

Why is the left side affected after a brain hemorrhage on the right side?

due to the crossing of nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord that cross from left side to right side. For example, motor nerves leaving the brain on the left side will decussate (cross from one side to the other) in the spinal cord so that when they leave the spinal cord, they flow out to muscles on the opposite side of the body.

What is the diffence between left side stroke and right side?

Right BrainThe effects of a stroke depend on several factors, including the location of the obstruction and how much brain tissue is affected. However, because one side of the brain controls the opposite side of the body, a stroke affecting one side will result in neurological complications on the side of the body it affects. For example, if the stroke occurs in the brain's right side, the left side of the body (and the right side of the face) will be affected, which could produce any or all of the following:Paralysis on the left side of the bodyVision problemsQuick, inquisitive behavioral styleMemory lossLeft BrainIf the stroke occurs in the left side of the brain, the right side of the body will be affected, producing some or all of the following:Paralysis on the right side of the bodySpeech/language problemsSlow, cautious behavioral styleMemory loss

Where is the tps on 1997 ram 1500 5.2?

The throttle position sensor is on the driver side of the throttle body. That is opposite of where the cables hook on.The throttle position sensor is on the driver side of the throttle body. That is opposite of where the cables hook on.

What is the anterior side of the body?

The anterior side of the body refers to the front side or the part of the body that faces forward. It is the opposite of the posterior side, which is the back side of the body. Structures such as the chest, abdomen, and face are located on the anterior side of the body.

What is wrong with the left side of my body, my ankle, hip and the front of my knee click here moving in certain positions, and I have bursitis in my left shoulder and a tricep tendinitis, all of these problems are on my entire left side of my body?

You might be paralyzed

What view does the x-ray beam pass from one side of the body to the opposite side?
