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Because it's one-fourth, or a quarter, of a dollar.

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Q: Why is the quarter coin called a quarter?
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What is one fourth of a shape or a number called?

a quarter (I think there was a coin called a quarter)

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What is a eagle quarter?

Do you mean "eagle quarter" or "quarter eagle"?There really isn't any US coin called an "eagle quarter"because ALL quarters up to 1998 had an eagle on the back.However, there WAS a coin called a "quarter eagle" - it was a gold coin with the somewhat strange denomination of $2.50 that was issued up till the US went off the gold standard in the early 1930s.

What is another name for the coin you call a quarter?

It used to be called "two bits".

Whats the value of 1964 silver quarter?

There is no coin called a "quater". If however you have a QUARTER, it's worth about $3 for the silver it contains.

Why is a coin that is worth 25 cents called a quarter?

"Quarter" means 1/4 (one-fourth). 25 cents is 1/4 a dollar, so it's a "quarter dollar", or just "quarter" for short.

What year would a quarter be if it has an eagle on the back of coin and a man carring a sack on the front of coin?

It's not a man carrying a sack. It's Miss Liberty wearing a gown. The coin is called a Standing Liberty Quarter. The Standing Liberty Quarter was minted from 1916-1930. These quarters are composed of 90% Silver and 10% copper.

Is the such thing as a Quarter of a Shilling?

The Royal Mint did not issue any coins called a Quarter-Shilling, but a quarter of a Shilling was a Threepence, a coin that was issued for hundreds of years. The Bailiwick of Jersey, one of the Channel Islands, issued a "One Fourth of a Shilling" coin variously from 1957 to 1966.

Where is the date located on a two headed quarter?

You have a novelty item called a magician's coin. It's not real.

Is Abraham Lincoln pictured on a US quarter?

No, the coin is called a Washington quarter because it features a portrait of George Washington. Lincoln is of course on the Lincoln cent.

A man has two coins that add up to 30 cents and one of them isn't a 10 cent piece what coins does he have?

Assuming American coinage, the two coins would be a 25 cent coin and a 5 cent coin. Assuming non-American coins, one is not a 10 cent coin, but the other one is. The other coin being a 20 cent coin.

If you have 30p and 1 of the coins isn't a 10p what 2 coins do you have?

A quarter and a nickel. The quarter is the coin that's not a nickel!