

Why is the radius important?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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13y ago

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i dont know i hope to find out

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Q: Why is the radius important?
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What must be included in an AP projecion of the forearm?

When performing an AP projection of the forearm, it is important to have both radius and ulna in view. It is important that the radius and ulna be on the same plane.

Why is it important to find the volume of an object?

radius & hight

Why is it so important to know the circumference of a circle when finding the surface area of a cylinder?

It is not. Knowing its radius or diameter will do just as well.It is not. Knowing its radius or diameter will do just as well.It is not. Knowing its radius or diameter will do just as well.It is not. Knowing its radius or diameter will do just as well.

Is the ulna medial or lateral compared to the radius?

Correct. It is also proximally medial to the radius in pronation, however at its distal end it is lateral.

What does radius do?

One of the most important functions of the radius is anchoring the muscles of the upper arm and the forearm. It is found on the thumb side of the forearm and rotates to allow the hand to pivot at the wrist.

what does the radius?

One of the most important functions of the radius is anchoring the muscles of the upper arm and the forearm. It is found on the thumb side of the forearm and rotates to allow the hand to pivot at the wrist.

What is the diameter of a circle with a radius of 1673?

2*1673 = 3346 [don't forget that units are important].

What is the definition for a radius in geometry?

its when you have to do something important but dont get the chance if u have to comb your hair but u dont u radius and 5+6 =11 so comb+ not comb= in trouble

Why is the latest versions of css are important?

Because it adds more features that you can use, that maybe before you had to do a hack to do like to round the edges of a div you had to do the webkit and mozilla hack which was -webkit-border-radius and -moz-border-radius and now it is a built in feature with border radius

Does size weight or radius affect a balls bounce?

Weight affects a balls bounce Size affects the weight and the radius affects the size The most important factor is what material the ball is made from.

Who discovered the volume for a cone?

Knowing its formula is more important which is: 1/3*pi*radius squared*height

If the circumference of a circle doubles the radius?

IMPOSSIBLE circumference = 2*pi*radius if circumference = 2*radius: 2*radius=2*pi*radius 2*radius/(2*radius)=2*pi*radius/(2*radius) 1=pi pi= 1 therefore it is impossible to have a circumference that is twice that of the radius