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Because "opposite" doesn't mean anything with respect to numbers, or rather, it doesn't have a unique and definite meaning with respect to numbers.

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Q: Why is the reciprocal of a nonzero number is not the same as the opposite of the number?
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For numbers with ordinary multiplication defined on them, they are the same.

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The property of the reciprocal of the opposite of a number is: Reciprocals of inverse values are themselves inverse values. i.e. for b = (-1)a , the reciprocal 1/b = (-1) 1/a The negative or positive status of a reciprocal is the same as that of the original number.

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Actually it IS. perpendicular lines have opposite reciprocal slopes and parallel lines have the same slope.

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That depends what you mean with "opposite". Two important math concepts are:a) The additive inverse. That's the same number, with a minus in front of it (a number plus its additive inverse = 0).b) The multiplicative inverse, also called the reciprocal. One divide by the number. For a fraction, you can simply exchange numerator and denominator to get the reciprocal. (A number times its reciprocal = 1.)

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The additive opposite of a positive is a negative, and the opposite of a negative is a positive. If you reverse the sign twice (opposite of opposite) you have the original number. The same applies to an inverse (multiplicative opposite): the inverse of any inverse for a nonzero number is the original number. n (1/n)(n) = n

Why is dividing by a number the same as multiplying by its reciprocal?

That is the definition of reciprocal.

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A mathematical element that when added to another numeral makes the same numeral

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A whole number is any number that is not a fraction, decimal, or mixed number. A nonzero whole number is the same, except that it doesn't equal zero.

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The cosecant is the reciprocal of the sine function. Now, the reciprocal of a positive number is positive, and the reciprocal of a negative number is negative.

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