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Q: Why is the slope between any two points on the straight line always to same?
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Find the slope of the line containing the points 6 4 and 6 8?

The slope for these two points is undefined, or straight up.

The slope of a curved line differs from that of a straight line in that?

Slope of a straight line is the same at all points on the line, whereas for a curved line it changes.

Same value of the slope between any two points?

Questioning also is a good skill. It must be clear and precise to get the apt answer which will be useful to each and every one. With the nine words put in that way I guess that you mean the slope remains the same every where at all points in between two given points. Is that right? Then the curve in between the two points will be a straight line.

What is the slope of points -6 3 and points 2 9?

Points do not have a slope but a straight line joining them does: (9-3)/(2- -6) = 6/8 = 3/4 or 0.75

What is the slope of -5 3 and 3 3?

Two points don't have a slope. But the line between them does. The line between the points (-5, 3) and (3, 3) has a slope of zero.

What is the slope of a line that contains the points (8-6) and (82)?

Points: (8, -6) and (8, 2) Slope: 0 It is a straight line parallel to the y axis.

What is the slope of the line that contains the points (83) and (87)?

Points: (8, 3) and (8, 7) Slope: 0 It will be a straight vertical line parallel to the y axis

How do you get the slope for 4 5 6 8?

To find the slope between two points: slope = change_in_y/change_in_x Thus for the points (4, 5) and (6, 8), the slope between them is given by: slope = (8-5)/(6-4) = 3/2 = 1½ = 1.5

The relationships between average speed and the slope of a position time graph?

The average speed of an object is represented by the slope of a straight line on a position-time graph. A steeper slope indicates a higher average speed, while a shallower slope indicates a lower average speed. The slope is calculated by dividing the change in position by the change in time.

How does the slope differ from average rate of change?

They are the same for a straight line but for any curve, the slope will change from point to point whereas the average rate of change (between two points) will remain the same.

What will be graph if an asymptote of it touches at three points?

if it touches at three points it is a straight line. Since it is also an asymptote, it will be a straight horizontal line (zero slope)

What is the slope of the line through points (23) and (43)?

If you mean points of (2, 3) and (4, 3) then the slope is 0 and it is a horizontal straight line parallel to the x axis