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i starts off all numbers

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Q: Why is the symbol and concept for zero important?
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The most important math concept?

The most important math concept is the idea of zero.

What important mathematical symbol did Muslims name?


How important was the development of advanced mathematics was in the creation of Maya calendar?

It was important inasmuch that the concept of zero as a quantity was introduced.

Where is the absolutely nothing sign?

There is no standard symbol for "absolutely nothing." However, in mathematics, an empty set symbol (∅) or the number zero can be used to represent the concept of nothing.

Where would you find the safety symbol for fume safety?

Not everything has a symbol for it. The concept of fume safety, if it is a concept, does not have a specific symbol.

Who discoverd zero?

The MAYANS discovered the concept of zero:)

Why is the concept of zero and infinity so important to us?

Zero is important because it gives us the concept of having nothing and there being void this is used for purposes with math and real life in how we view things. Infinity goes on and on forever providing a concept that time does not end or a feeling of eternity which is hard to grasp. But if time did have an end and things just stopped, that would be equally as hard to think about.

How important is the number 0 in Hindu Arabic system?

Very. The Hindu-Arabic system employs positional notation and the symbol 0 is used as a place holder. By itself, it represents the number zero. Although the concept of nothing was well established, numbering systems were effectively base-9 until the introduction of the 0 symbol. Before then, zero was not even regarded as a number. Note that 0 is not a number. Zero is a number, as are one and two. 0, 1 and 2 are merely symbols (glyphs) for those numbers.

One of the discoveries the Gupta's are most known for is the?

discovery of the concept of zero in mathematics. This concept revolutionized mathematics and had a profound impact on future mathematical developments.

What Mayan innovation is still important in mathematics today?

It is the usage of the zero symbol that is still essential in mathematics even today.

What did arybhatt discover?

the concept of zero

Is there a symbol for zero in the Egyptian number system?

There is no known mathematical symbol for zero in the ancient Egyptian number system.