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The Greek letter Delta is written as a triangle.

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Q: Why is the symbol for the Capital Delta a triangle?
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In enquations imvolving velocity the traiangle symbol means?

In equations involving velocity, the triangle symbol typically represents the Greek letter "delta," which signifies a change in the given quantity. So, when you see the triangle symbol in a velocity equation, it usually denotes a change in velocity or acceleration.

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The symbol for Triangle Capital Corporation in the NYSE is: TCAP.

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The name for the triangle symbol that means change in?

The triangle symbol that means change is called the delta symbol. It is commonly used in mathematics and science to represent a change in quantity or variable.

What Greek symbol represents the change in quantity?

The symbol is called DELTA and looks like a triangle. -----> Δ <----

Whats the symbol for change?

The Greek letter delta, which looks like a triangle.

Symbol for change?

The Greek letter delta - capital or lower case.

What does triangle symbol next to diagnosis mean in medical notes?

delta, or change in diagnosis

What symbol is to represent the change in value?

The symbol that represents change is delta. (It looks like a little triangle before the unit) ..../\..... ../....\..... /____\....

In algebra What is the symbol for difference between?

That's basically the uppercase letter "delta", which looks like a triangle.

In equations involving velocity what does the triangle symbol mean?

change inThe triangle symbol is the uppercase letter delta (from the Greek alphabet), and refers to "difference in...". For example, delta x means how much the variable x changes between two different positions considered.

What is the mathematical symbol for change?

It is called delta, the capital Greek letter, Δ, and it symbolizes change in.