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It is the most easily remembered part of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, which disproved the gravitational works of Issac Newton.

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Q: Why is the term E equals MC2 so famous?
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E does not equals mc2 some help?

A re-writing of Einsteins famous equation is E = mc2 Wherre E is energy, m is mass, c is the speed of light (so c2 is the square of the speed of light)

What made King Tutankhamun so famous?

Because he invented a spanner. N=mc2

What does e equals mc2?

e=mc2 is a theory proven by ainstien just before he died so noone else knows it, it explains that energy is equal to the speed of light when it is in a vacume.

Is Einstein formula E equals MC2 wrong?

Experiments carried out so far confirm the formula.

What is Mc2?

E means energy content m means mass c means spead of light so e = mc2 mean energy content equals mass into speed of light squared

What is Einsteins famous equation E equals mc2 what does it calculate?

It relates the energy of a particle to it's mass. So, if you were to convert 1kg of material into pure energy, the energy you would get out would be calculated using E = mc2.However, this is just the simplified version for a particle that isn't moving. If the particle is moving with a momentum p, then the full formula is used: E2 = p2c2 + m2c4.

When was E equals mc2 made?

1905 was when the paper about it was published. So he probably discovered it a few years earlier? There doesn't seem to be an exact date or anything.

Why is the formula e equals mc2 and not merely e-mc?

The 2 stands for squared . So in all the formula is : Energy equals the mass times the constant (Speed of light) squared. The 2 squares the formula.

Why e equals mc2 is necessary?

e=mc2 is a constant. so you can use it in a variety of equations without having to do all the math up to that point. basically it helps us measure astronomical numbers. -- (see: avigadro's number for a similar constant with a similar kind of use.) e=mc2 means this: energy is the same as mass multiplied by the speed of light times the speed of light. this would be a huge number - so it's shortened by saying e=mc2. it's a nickname!!

Why was Albert Einstein's equation E equal mc2 so famous?

The equation E=mc^2 is so famous because it has many practical applications.For example it can be used in nuclear reactions where a huge amount of mass is converted into energy and vice versa.

What does E equals mc2 do for the world?

I'm sure that it helps the world explain the concept of what energy is, but i could be wrong after all I am only 16 so yea. Well it also explains what energy is made of.

What does E equals mc2 calculate?

E=MC2 means: Energy (E) = Mass (M) times The Speed of Light (C) squared. This basically tells us that energy and matter are the same. A small amount of matter can be converted into a large amount of energy. So using the equation E=MC2 we can find out that 0.00000000001 gram of mass, will equal nine hundred thousand joules of energy: 0.00000000001g x (3x108) = 900,000j