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Q: Why is there 45 steps at the entrance of the capital?
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There are 42 steps leading up to the main entrance of St. Chad's church.

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Duke Street Capital's population is 45.

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They're not called stairs. They're called steps. Stairs are indoors. Steps are out doors.

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You can get Gibles from Wayward Cave. This cave is located in between Eterna and Oreburgh city. The entrance is hidden so here are directions from the normal cave entrance. Start at the entrance to the normal cave. Take 1 step right. Take 8 steps down. Take 12 steps left. Take 5 steps up. I hope this helps!

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Where can someone find information about capital steps?

One can find information about the capital steps from many different places and resources. One can find information from one's local library, but one can also find more information by also researching on the Wikipedia page of the Capital Steps.

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Wobbuffet can be found at Dark Cave, which is at the entrance of Route 45.

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Puzzle No 45: Baggage Claim, Location: Farm Entrance. Please see the Related link below for a walkthrough of puzzle 45.

What pacific state capital is located near 45 degree north latitude?

The capital city of Oregon, Salem, is located near 45 degrees north latitude in the Pacific region.

How many steps did rocky run at the art museum in Philadelphia?

The steps at the entrance of the Philadelphia Museum of Art in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania have famously become nicknamed the "Rocky" steps. In the movie, Rocky ran up a total of 72 stone steps.

How many steps do you need to climb in order to enter the Philadelphia Museum of Art?

There are 72 steps to the entrance of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, made famous by the movie Rocky.