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There is no point in collecting data simply for the sake of collecting data. You need to analyse it: summarise it and use key information from it to make some assessments about the data.

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Q: Why is there a need to analyze data?
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How do you analyze the pizza?

What? We need more data to answer that!

Describe a work related experience you have in researching analyzing data?

There are many professions that require a person to analyze data.?æEngineers and construction workers may need to analyze data when constructing a new building.

A sentence for the word analyze?

I like to analyze data as a scientist. there is your sentence

What tool would be useful to help find an average of your data?

After you collect data, you need to analyze them. Perhaps you need to find the average of your data. Calculators are handy tools to help you do calculations quickly.

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What kind of mathematics do scientists to analyze data?

Statistics is a type of math utilized by scientists to analyze their data.

What type of data does a chemist analyze?

They analyze different substances and elements.

What are some of things scientists might do to analyze data?

The scientists may take some data to the forensic experts or study the trends to analyze the given data.

Is data the same as analyze?

data is to analyse as food is to eat

After an experiment what do the scientists do with the data?

After the experiment, scientists organize and analyze the data. Which therefore means that the scientists will create something to tell what is going on with there experiment and how long it goes for and if anything improved or something changed.

When scientist analyze data they?

analyse it

What do scientists do with data after an experiment?
