They use graphs or scientific maths to analyze data. (pie graph, chart, table,circle) But in the end. they all use statistics.
Statistics is used to analyze and describe data sets.
by using the matric system
Thermometer, Spring Scale, and a Balance Scale ;-) Math Homework... Suckie! :P
Much of what is done in the lab involves chemistry or preparation of standard solutions at different concentrations. Chemistry, well all sciences really, involve math. Chemistry in the lab involve simple math calculations. Algebra, trig, and calculus are used to analyze data
Statistics is a type of math utilized by scientists to analyze their data.
They use graphs or scientific maths to analyze data. (pie graph, chart, table,circle) But in the end. they all use statistics.
They use graphs or scientific maths to analyze data. (pie graph, chart, table,circle) But in the end. they all use statistics.
For the most part, they use math related to statistics. They use it to interpret their data, and to determine trends and significance of data points collected in an experiment
For the most part, they use math related to statistics. They use it to interpret their data, and to determine trends and significance of data points collected in an experiment
Statistics is a type of math utilized by scientists to analyze their data.
Statistics is a type of math utilized by scientists to analyze their data.
Statistics is used to analyze and describe data sets.
Statistics is a type of math utilized by scientists to analyze their data.
statics ;D
by using the matric system
a computer