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Q: Why is there so much accountability for recording and managing containers?
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How much water can be poured into containers with capacity of 350 cubic centimeters?

I would say 350 cubic cm.

How much cardboard is used when you buy 1.89L of juice in the two 946-ml cartons instead of one 1.89L?

Probably some more cardboard will be used for the two smaller containers. Exactly how much depends on the exact shape of the containers. Assuming the containers are geometrically similar, the ratio of their height (or any linear measurement) will be 1 : (cubic root of 2), or about 1 : 1.26. The ratios of the area are 1 : 1.262, while the ratio of their volumes are 1 : 1.263, making the volume-to-area ratio of the large container more favorable by a factor of 1.26. In other words, the smaller containers will use 1.26 times more cardboard. However, note the assumption (that the containers are similar). Also, how much more cardboard is used in absolute terms (for example, in square centimeters) will still depend on the exact shape.

Importance of a clock?

Clocks are important in a wide range of ways for recording time. From simple things like knowing the time, recording how long something takes, recording hours people have worked, measuring time on a scientific level and for many other purposes, clocks are essential pieces of equipment. Without them a lot of simple things would be much more complex.

Why is a cylinder the best shape for storing liquids?

For storing large numbers of containers I think a rectangular shape is more efficient because you can place them side by side with no wasted space between them like you would have with cylinders. I think it depends on how big the containers are (cylinders are easier to roll) and how much space you have, what type of liquid is to be stored etc. as to which shape would be best.

Can 2 filled containers have different weights but the same capacities?

Absolutely. A pound of lead would require a small container, whereas a pound of fried rice would require a much larger container.

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Why individuals should be self-managing as possible?

Individuals should be self-managing as much as possible to foster independence, accountability, and personal growth. Self-management allows individuals to take ownership of their tasks, decisions, and actions, leading to increased efficiency and effectiveness. It also promotes self-awareness, autonomy, and a sense of accomplishment.

If you put two 1-pint containers of milk together how much milk do you have?

If you put two 1-pint containers of milk together how much milk do you have?

When preparing food for freezing how high do you fill storage containers?

Fill the containers as full as possible, or remove as much air as possible.

How much does a director of a company get?

This depends very much on the size of the company. You can be a managing director of your own company that just employs you, so not as much pay as, say, the managing director of ICI.

How much play-dough is in one can?

It depends on the size of the can. Play dough is available in sizes from tiny containers to larger tub-like containers.

Should hazardous materials be stored in the original containers?

It is always a good idea to use original containers for storage of hazardous materials as much as possible.

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How much money do recording artist make?

It depands on how much of the video is sold

How much will 4GB of memory last on 720p recording?

A 4GB memory card will hold about two hours of 720p recording. One gigabyte will hold about 30 minutes of this type of recording.

How much do you get paid for managing a resort?

Bumhole ammount. :D

Can you carry plastic containers of a grocer's labeled spices on an airline?

You will not be able to carry these containers onto a plane. The spices look too much like drugs and will have to be searched.

How much do a recording engineer earn?

A recording engineer can earn anywhere from $29,000 a year to over $200,000 a year. This depends on experience and their clients.