Absolutely. A pound of lead would require a small container, whereas a pound of fried rice would require a much larger container.
645divided by 21 equals 30.714. Hence, you can fill completely 30 such containers and 71.4% of the 31st container will be filled with water. Answer two If fill means completely fill, than you can fill 30 containers.
if the eggs are in the middle they will NOT break at the top or bottom they will
teshome hambissafirst space filled with A this implies that n(first)=1.second space filled with all letters from a-z this implies that n(second)=26.third space filled with all letters from a-z this implies that n(third)=26.therefore by principle of counting1x26x26=676.
A cubic foot is a measure of volume (size). A pound is a measure of weight. The amount of weight that can fit in 20 cubic feet is different for different things. For example, a box with a volume (size) of 20 cubic feet, filled with solid gold, would weigh more than a box with the same size but filled with feathers.
It depends on what is in the 9 litter containers. Because litters are a measurement of volume and pounds are a measurement of weight the two are not directly related. One could fill a 9 litter container with a gas which would have a very low weight or the same container could be filled with lead which would be extremely heavy.
24 / 4 = 6 containers
22 containers can be fully filled.
24 pint
5 gallon water jugs, when they're empty, can be used for many things. They can be filled with other liquids, or even sand, and can be turned into weights. You can also turn them into containers if you cut the tops off!
yes, to prove this, there are weights that can be filled with water and some can be 32 pounds of water.
391/25 = 15 remainder 16 Therefore, fifteen 25-gallon containers can be completely filled.
I have seen beakers with filled capacities from 25 mL to 5 liters.
645divided by 21 equals 30.714. Hence, you can fill completely 30 such containers and 71.4% of the 31st container will be filled with water. Answer two If fill means completely fill, than you can fill 30 containers.
Alaska has many mining grounds. My friend went there and filled up 8 containers of gold
yes because at the sperm bank there are little containers filled with sperm so use your imagination