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Q: Why is travelling in neutral for long distances (known as coasting) wrong?
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How is 12 months travelling at 186000 miles per second better known?

As a 'light-year'

What is a point from where the points on the circle are of equal distances?

That point is known as the "center of the circle". Every circle has one.

What is an incenter of a triangle?

The incenter is the center of the incircle for a polygon or insphere for a polyhedron (when they exist). The corresponding radius of the incircle or insphere is known as the inradius. The incenter can be constructed as the intersection of angle bisectors. It is also the interior point for which distances to the sides of the triangle are equal. It hastrilinear coordinates

In early Sumeria what is a large distance unit which is equal to about seven times today's mile?

The Babylonians are also known for the Babylonian mile, which was a measure of distance equal to about seven miles today. This measurement for distances eventually was converted to a time-mile used for measuring the travel of the Sun, therefore, representing time.

How is distance calculated in scientific notation?

In scientific notation, distance is calculated by multiplying a number between 1 and 10 (known as the coefficient) by a power of 10 (known as the exponent). The exponent represents the number of places the decimal point is moved to the right (positive exponent) or to the left (negative exponent). This notation is commonly used to represent large or small distances, such as in astronomy or nanotechnology, where writing out the entire number would be cumbersome.

Related questions

How is travelling at 186000 per second better known?

If that's 'miles' then it's better known as "approximately 'c ' ".

Who is Hannibal and what was he remembered for?

Hannibal was most known for travelling the alps at the age of 15--------------- i think

What name is for the Alps mountains and is also a country known for being neutral during times of war?

Switzerland. It is a neutral country and one sectionb of the Alps is known as the Swiss Alps.

How is 12 months travelling at 186000 miles per second better known?

As a 'light-year'

Why an atom is known to be neutral?

because its the sum of all neutrons

In math what is traveling sales man problem?

The "travelling salesman problem" is the problem where you have to find the shortest route to visit each of several cities. Even if the distances between the cities are known, the solution is actuall quite complicated; a lot of different algorithms (methods) have been developed to optimize the problem under certain circumstances.

What is a series of lines or points that mark off known spaces or distances on a measuring intrument?


Which apostle traveled as a missionary constantly?

The apostle Paul (formerly Saul) is known for constantly travelling as a missionary.

Matter that has an equal amount of positive and negative charge are known as?


What is a group of traveling merchants called?

A group of travelling merchants are called carvans

What it is called when you bring an neutral object to a charged object?

Bringing a neutral object close to a charged object is known as induction. This process can cause the neutral object to become charged temporarily through the redistribution of charges.

What is the is an architectural construction method that spans short distances between two upright supports?

It is known as an arch.