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Q: Why is your foot important?
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the most important thing in dancing is the foot work

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How is foot support important in ICT?

because it is

Why was it important to set foot on the moon?

so that you can learn about the moon.

Why friction is important to running?

you need friction so the ground can push on your foot while your foot pushes on the ground. that is the only way you can move.

What are the treatments for foot tendonitis?

The treatment of foot tendonitis would depend on the severity of the injury. Some things that can be done to relieve the pain is to treat the foot with ice as well as taking anti-inflammatories. It is also very important that she rests the foot.

Why was john cabot's important?

He was important because, he was the first European to set foot on Canada

What foot should a right handed bowler begin on?

The right foot. It is more important that a right handed bowler end on the left foot, but may start on either foot. If you start on the right foot you have an even number of steps before releasing the ball. If you start on the left foot you have an odd number of steps before releasing the ball.

Why was Marcus Whitman important?

He was the kind of guy that was shy and when somebody would ask him a question that he didn't know the answer to, he would shoot his foot....He lost his right foot by the age of 17 and began shooting his left foot.

How effective is cornstarch in treating athlete's foot?

Cornstarch is not an effective treatment for athlete's foot. It is important to use antifungal medications specifically designed to treat this condition.

Why was lief erksons exploration important?

He was the first European to set foot in North America.

Why was exploration so important to Portugal?

It was an eaiswe to transport goods Instead of going on foot