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The more money you earn, the higher the tax bracket you are put into. Just the difference of an hour can change you from a lower bracket to a higher one. It is possible to recoup this loss when you file taxes if you have the right exemptions.

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Q: Why is your pay less with 19 hours overtime than with 17 hours overtime?
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How do you explain how to calculate overtime pay?

If overtime pay is 1 1/2, then it would be calculated like so... (hours worked) x (regular pay) x 1.5

If you make 8 dollars an hour how much do you make in 1 year?

8 times 24 is 192 192 times 365 is 70080 That answer is quite wrong, suggesting you make 70K per year. If you work 40 hours per week, assuming your job does not allow overtime, with vacation time and sick time keeping your pay consistant for the year, you will work 52 weeks per year. 40 hours x 52 weeks x $8.00 per hour = $16,640* per year. $3000 per year less than the average full time employee at Wal-mart. *Assuming you are asking from the US, with overtime laws stating work weeks over 40 hours require overtime pay.

If your overtime rate is 2.40 per hour more than your usual rate then what is your overtime rate?

Assuming your overtime rate of pay is "time and a half", your overtime rate is $7.20 per hour. That would make your normal rate of pay $4.80 per hour, which means you really should start reading the classified ads or join a union...

How do you calculate overtime pay?

Most overtime hours are payed 1& 1/2 times your original hourly pay. SO if your payed $10.00 an hour you will be payed $15.00 for every overtime hour. $12.00 would be $18.00 an hour in overtime pay. $6.50 an hour would be $9.75 an hour overtime rate. Some states have their own policy on overtime pay but the national law is 1 1/2 times your original hourly wage. Some professions are excluded ,see your labor rights poster which should be posted at your job in an area where all employees are readily able to read and understand it. Time and one-half the "regular hourly rate." If an employees regular pay is not expressed as an "hourly" rate, their regular pay rate must be converted to an hourly equivalent.Hourly rate -- (regular pay rate for an employee paid by the hour). If more than 40 hours are worked, at least one and one-half times the regular rate for each hour over 40 is due.Piece rate -- The regular rate of pay for an employee paid on a piecework basis is obtained by dividing the total weekly earnings by the total number of hours worked in that week. The employee is entitled to an additional one-half times this regular rate for each hour over 40, plus the full piecework earnings.Another way to compensate pieceworkers for overtime, if agreed to before the work is performed, is to pay one and one-half times the piece rate for each piece produced during the overtime hours. The piece rate must be the one actually paid during nonovertime hours and must be enough to yield at least the minimum wage per hour.Salary -- the regular rate for an employee paid a salary for a regular or specified number of hours a week is obtained by dividing the salary by the number of hours for which the salary is intended to compensate.If, under the employment agreement, a salary sufficient to meet the minimum wage requirement in every workweek is paid as straight time for whatever number of hours are worked in a workweek, the regular rate is obtained by dividing the salary by the number of hours worked each week. To illustrate, suppose an employee's hours of work vary each week and the agreement with the employer is that the employee will be paid $420 a week for whatever number of hours of work are required. Under this agreement, the regular rate will vary in overtime weeks. If the employee works 50 hours, the regular rate is $8.40 ($420 divided by 50 hours). In addition to the salary, half the regular rate, or $4.20 is due for each of the 10 overtime hours, for a total of $462 for the week. If the employee works 60 hours, the regular rate is $7.00 ($420 divided by 60 hours). In that case, an additional $3.50 is due for each of the 20 overtime hours, for a total of $490 for the week.In no case may the regular rate be less than the minimum wage required by FLSA.If a salary is paid on other than a weekly basis, the weekly pay must be determined in order to compute the regular rate and overtime pay. If the salary is for a half month, it must be multiplied by 24 and the product divided by 52 weeks to get the weekly equivalent. A monthly salary should be multiplied by 12 and the product divided by 52.

What does it mean when payroll can't pay in tenths of an hour?

If you clock in early without preauthorization, you will be paid only from your approved clock in time. If you clock in within ten minutes of your preauthorized time, you will be paid for the full hour. If you clock in more than 10 minutes late, you will be docked a full hours pay. If you clock out more than 10 minutes early, you will be docked a full hours pay. If you clock out within 10 minutes of your approved time, you will receive full pay. If you clock out late without preapproval, you will only be paid for your preapproved time. If overtime is preapproved, it will only be approved for an amount of time in full hours. There will be no approval for overtime of 15 minutes, a half hour, or 45 minutes.

Related questions

How is overtime rate and overtime pay calculated?

To calculate overtime pay, follow these steps: Determine Overtime Rate: Typically, it's time and a half (1.5 times the regular rate). For example, if the regular rate is $20/hour, the overtime rate is $30/hour (1.5 x $20). Calculate Overtime Hours Worked: Overtime is usually the hours worked over the standard full-time hours (often over 40 hours per week). Calculate Overtime Pay: Multiply the overtime hours by the overtime rate. E.g., for 8 overtime hours at a $30/hour rate, the overtime pay is 8 x $30 = $240. In Excel: Set up columns for names, regular hours, hourly rate, overtime rate, overtime hours, and pay. Multiply regular hours by hourly rate for regular pay. Multiply overtime hours by the overtime rate for overtime pay. Add regular and overtime pay for total pay. Ensure accuracy in calculations to avoid compliance issues. For complex situations, consider using dedicated software or automation tools.

I am on salary but work 45 hours a week should you get paid overtime?

Per Federal Law, you need to understand the definitions used for pay. Non-exempt is usually an hourly employee and Exempt is usually a salaried employee. Some salaried employees are non-exept. Their salary is based on a 40 hour or pre-determined number of hours a week. If they work more than their determined number of hours per week, they get overtime pay. Exempt employees are exempt from the overtime laws. You are paid a salary per pay period no matter how many hours over 40 you work. You can work 40 hours or 90 hours and you will get the same pay either way. Non-exempt employees are not exempted from the overtime laws. If a non-exempt employee works more than 40 hours per week, they are required to receive overtime pay. One thing to remember is that overtime is only used for hours actually worked in excess of 40 hours per week. If you get 2 day of holiday pay (Christmas usually), those 16 hours of pay do not count for overtime purposes. You would have to work more than 40 hours in the days that you did not have off.

How do you calculate overtime pay on excel?

To calculate overtime pay in Excel, follow these steps: Organize Your Data: Create a spreadsheet with columns for employee names, regular hours worked, regular hourly rate, overtime rate, overtime hours worked, and overtime pay. 2. Input Employee Data: Fill in the columns with appropriate data for each employee, or just yourself if you are calculating your own overtime pay. For example, if you work 40 regular hours a week at $20 per hour, enter these figures in the respective columns. 3. Calculate Regular Weekly Pay: Add a column titled "Regular Weekly Pay." Multiply the regular hours worked by the regular hourly rate to calculate the regular weekly pay for each employee. 4. Determine Overtime Rate: Decide the overtime compensation rate (typically time and a half or double time). For time and a half, use 1.5 times the regular rate. 5. Calculate Overtime Pay: Add a column for "Overtime Pay." Multiply the regular hourly rate by the overtime rate (e.g., 1.5) to get the overtime pay rate per hour. Then, multiply this rate by the number of overtime hours worked. 6. Calculate Total Weekly Overtime Pay: Add a column titled "Total Weekly Overtime Pay." Multiply the overtime hours worked by the overtime pay to get the total overtime pay for the week. 7. Calculate Total Weekly Pay: Add a final column for "Total Weekly Pay." Add the regular pay and overtime pay together to get the total weekly pay for each employee. 8. Ensure Accuracy: Double-check your formulas and data entry for any errors.

How do you explain how to calculate overtime pay?

If overtime pay is 1 1/2, then it would be calculated like so... (hours worked) x (regular pay) x 1.5

Does a trucking company in nc have to pay overtime for any hours worked over40 per week?

does a trucking company pay overtime if im a matneice man

When an employee uses fmla can employer deny employee overtime pay?

Yes an employer can deny giving you overtime hours but if you have already worked overtime then it is not okay for an employer to deny paying overtime once the hours have already been earned.

Overtime after 8 hours?

According to Federal Law, an employer is required to pay an employee overtime for any hours over 40 in one pay period. Over time rates are generally time and a half.

Does an employer have to pay overtime if you work more than 7 days in a row and you are salary?

Generally no. A person who is correctly identified as exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not have to be paid overtime regardless of the number of hours worked.

How much is 1.5 hours?

That depends entirely upon your actual salary. When you start working overtime (that means anything beyond your regular 40 hours per week), then your employer is expected to start giving you overtime pay. Generally, overtime pay is simply your regular salary multiplied by 1.5. An example: Regular salary: $20/hour 20 x 1.5 = 30 Overtime pay: $30/hour of overtime.

Could overtime pay make worker work few hours?

Employees work the hours set by the employer. Employers try to avoid working employees in overtime situations. Overtime is designed as a PENALTY on employers.

What is the overtime labor law in Florida?

Florida overtime laws require that any worker putting in more than 40 hours in one week must be paid time and a half (one and one half times the regular rate of pay) for any extra hours. Some occupations and industries, however, are exempt from Florida overtime laws. These mirror federal exempted industries and include computer and administrative employees, executive and outside sales employees, and highly compensated or salaried workers.

Is Memorial Day a work day?

Yes it is. No you just have to pay them overtime Places like McDonald's don't pay overtime. If you work less than 40 hrs a week there is no overtime.