

Why is your right leg numb?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: Why is your right leg numb?
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When I had a local anaesthetic in my leg, it felt numb.

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I am not sure but I am 12 weeks 2 days and I get numb at the top of my right leg when I am trying to sleep it is quite annoying!

Why is your leg numb and cold?

A numb and cold leg can be caused by decreased blood flow, nerve compression, or poor circulation. It is important to consult a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

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Why do the calf of the leg get numb?

Because you are not getting enough or any circulation.

Why is my leg numb after having a hysterectomy?

a nicked nerve. good luck

Why did you loose feeling in your leg?

If your leg is numb, you need medical attention. See a doctor or go to an emergency room.

I have a small lump in my left leg that I have been told is harmless but everytime I exercise that leg goes completely numb from the knee down is this normal and how can I get it to not be numb?

I would seriously go to a doctor and press him until he gives you a substantial answer!

What causes tingling in right foot and lower leg?

probably nerves, or if it is asleep (usually if your sitting on it or bending your leg) the blood flow in it drops, causing the leg to numb, and nerves to act up. but it isn't this way when I get in bed just this way all day long other wise .

Your right foot is cold and your leg has pain and numbness in it also my right hand would go numb aswell?

All of these can be as a result of inflammation brought on by arthritis, however the only way to be sure is to get it checked out by a Rheumatologist and or a neurologist.