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Because if you try to multiply nothing, you will always end up with nothing. so no matter what number you multiply 0 to, since 0 has no numerical value, the answer will always be 0.

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Q: Why is zero times a number always zero?
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What is zero times any number?

The answer is always 0.

Why is it that a number multiplied by zero is always zero?

A number multiplied by zero is always zero because zero is nothing, and if you have, for an example, the number one, and you have one zero times it is nothing. Another example is if you have no money, and i say i will triple all of your money, you will still have no money.

Multiplication property of zero?

When any number is multiplied by it, the answer is always zero.

Does a number times 0 always 0?

Yes a number multiplied by zero will always equal zero if you talk about integers. If you talk about limits, it's different.

What is the product of any number multiplied by 0?

It is zero. No matter how many times you multiply a zero, it is always zero. 0.

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Technically, the answer is zero. Since zero times anything is always zero, the smallest product that can be made is always zero no matter what other factors are at play.

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No. It's always the number without a sign.

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Zero divided by anything is always zero.

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Zero times any number will always equal zero. Therefor, 6x0=0.

How do you write 0 times x?

0 times x is written as 0x. This is always equal to zero because anything times zero is always zero.

Why zero is the ending of a number?

There is not always a zero at the end if the number. there is a zero if the number is divisible by five.