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Q: Why it is wrong to assume that there is a correlation between the sun and Alyssa's cough?
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How do you spell coof?

I assume you mean Cough

Why does your mercury sable cough when you start it up?

i dont know what you mean by *cough* but i assume you need a tune up, bad.

How do you tell the difference between an allergy cough and a bronchitis or pneumonia cough?

Bronchitis often has a colored flam while allergies are clear.

Do you get yellow phlem with pneumonia?

Yes. Bacterial pneumonia will give you yellow phlegm A: I assume you mean when you cough. Actually, any pulmonary bacterial infection with a productive cough can yield yellow or brownish phlegm.

How do boys and girls think different?

boys think VERY violate and gory. we girls love to be nice and caring. we do most of the work anyway.

Difference between asthma and whooping cough?

i have a constant cough, the drs said i have asthma, but i wonder i f i really do

What is the differences between non productive and productive cough?

When phlegm comes out when you caugh it is called productive cough. If nothing is produced it is called as dry or non - productive cough

How is tuberculosis passed between hunams?

through cough

What is the difference between dextromethorphan and diphenhydramine?

dextromethorphan is a drug used to treat cough by acting as a cough suppressant. diphenhydramine is an antihistamine and is used to treat allergies.

What is the future tense of cough?

The future tense of cough is will cough.

Do boots do Galloway cough mixture?

Galloway cough mixture is a brand of cough syrup and does not typically contain boots or footwear. It is meant for the treatment of coughs and related symptoms. Make sure to follow the instructions on the packaging or consult with a healthcare professional before use.

What is the difference between peppermint and mint?

cough drops will have some kind of medicine in it for the cough and other symptoms.