If they put their mind to it, it is not difficult.
Math gets much better once you get past trigonometry into Calculus. You learn trig to help with many things later in life. (Believe me you will use it). Calculus can be used to describe ANYTHING, and is so powerful that you will be amazed when you learn it. Things that you thought you could never understand because they were too difficult suddenly you can. So just keep plugging away at trigonometry and I promise it will get better and they will be the most important things you learn in school.
Attend the lectures in class 11 and pay attention. If you do not understand something ask.
plane trigonometry spherical trigonometry
The main kinds are plane trigonometry and solid trigonometry. The latter will include trigonometry in hyper-spaces.
sin2A + cos2A
In Geometry, you learn about triangles. In Trigonometry you learn even more about triangles.
It depends. Between 9th to 12th.
Learn the subject!
The disadvantage of trigonometry is that it requires an intellectual effort to learn it. It is much easier to eat pizza, than it is to learn trigonometry. Put down that textbook and order a pizza. Yum!
Trigonometry isn't required to learn calculus, but it does help you to understand some of the concepts. Geometry, however, is usually required before taking a course in trigonometry.
If they put their mind to it, it is not difficult.
YES! If you can't do algebra, you won't last ten seconds in trigonometry. It basically is algebra, just using equations within equations.
Pay attention in class. That is the simplest way.
Math gets much better once you get past trigonometry into Calculus. You learn trig to help with many things later in life. (Believe me you will use it). Calculus can be used to describe ANYTHING, and is so powerful that you will be amazed when you learn it. Things that you thought you could never understand because they were too difficult suddenly you can. So just keep plugging away at trigonometry and I promise it will get better and they will be the most important things you learn in school.
Attend the lectures in class 11 and pay attention. If you do not understand something ask.