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Every fact of life on earth uses Mathematics in one manner or another. For instance, when you drive a car, you are computing your speed and how many miles you have gone. Balancing your checkbook also uses math. Yes, even musicians use math when playing their instruments.

Besides just that, math is needed in nearly every job from a high school summer job such as a cashier to an architect, math skills are always needed. Any job or employer prefers an employee who knows math well and is skilled at most aspects of math. Math is prominent in all aspects of life. Math is the most common subject in life besides English . Math is an everyday tool . It is helped for life because if not the "Real World" would be a big confusion . example ~ when you go to the store and the cashier gives you the wrong amount of change AND if you don't know math you would be stupid enough to go out of the store with the amount the cashier gave you . You wouldn't want to be this person and not have a correct amount of money to spend on your bills or something Math is very important in life because it is very helpful and when you are cooking you have to know how much ingredients your have to put in your food. Also when you are in any other subject like math it is very helpful too because without math you really wouldn't be anywhere right now. Math you use at Jobs, English, Science,Social Studies and more subject and things like that and when your anywhere else you also use math to count how many hings you need. Like when you are at the store and you only have $85.00 and you have to see the total amount for the things that you get/if you don't you would have to put some things back and come back and that is kind of why you need to know Math and this is why it is important in life. Math is a big help no matter what you do.
its important because sometimes some peoples dont know how to add or subtract we need math because we are going to need it in or during college

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Let's assume you want to built something, measure something, print something, find out how much money you are being paid for being a scientist.... without math, how would you do any of those things. You may not like doing your math now, but you will learn that, in society, the better you know how to do math, the more successful you will be. If you do not believe that, think about hiring a taxi or renting a Lamborghinni. Are you just going to hand over that pile of paper in your hand (that currency which is based on math) without being able to count it and the change you get back. SO, do the MATH!

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βˆ™ 15y ago

we study maths to improve are knowledge in our calculations so that it is easy for us to survive in every sphere of our life

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