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Q: Why might you tabulate data before you presented it in a graph?
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Is there a Picture of the prophet mohammed?

No he died long before photo graph technology. You might try finding a painting.

How would the graph change of the motion changed?

If the motion changes, the graph might show a different shape, slope, or position. For example, if the speed increases, the graph might show a steeper slope. If the direction of motion changes, the graph might show negative values or a curve. Any variation in the motion will be reflected in the graph.

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What might a graph show that a data table does not?

The graph could go on forever while a data table only shows a part of the graph.

What types of data might be graphed on a number line?

It could be a line graph, bar graph, or a pictograph.

What is a picto graph?

A graph that shows little pictures. If I had a graph about cats I might show cat faces in a picto graph as a form of data, so if there were 10 cats to be displayed in the graph it would be with cat faces and not bars or lines.

What type of graph might be used to show a prediction of how a trend may continue in the future?

It would probally be a Line Graph

What kind of graph should be used by comparing the cost of 4 bicycles?

a bar graph would be best I might say

What is a picto?

A graph that shows little pictures. If I had a graph about cats I might show cat faces in a picto graph as a form of data, so if there were 10 cats to be displayed in the graph it would be with cat faces and not bars or lines.

What kind of article might you see a circle graph?

favorite color

How might scientists order data in order to analyze them?

In a table or a graph.