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Q: Why might your actual experimental values of your simulated cross have been different from the values you expected?
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How does actual texture differ from simulated yexture?

Actual texture has real surface quality... It has a bit of relief... You can feel actual texture with your fingertips. Simulated texture is just that... simulated. It is two dimensional.

What are kinds of texture in arts?

real or actual texture and simulated texture

What is the expected outcome from investing in the stock market?

The expected outcome is Profit. But, the actual outcome may be different if the stock selected was poor.

What is the precent error formula?

(Experimental - Actual / Actual) * 100% = error

What does it mean if you get a negative number when you calculate for percent error?

Depending on whether you subtract actual value from expected value or other way around, a positive or negative percent error, will tell you on which side of the expected value that your actual value is. For example, suppose your expected value is 24, and your actual value is 24.3 then if you do the following calculation to figure percent error:[percent error] = (actual value - expected value)/(actual value) - 1 --> then convert to percent.So you have (24.3 - 24)/24 -1 = .0125 --> 1.25%, which tells me the actual is higher than the expected. If instead, you subtracted the actual from the expected, then you would get a negative 1.25%, but your actual is still greater than the expected. My preference is to subtract the expected from the actual. That way a positive error tells you the actual is greater than expected, and a negative percent error tells you that the actual is less than the expected.

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WHAT IS THE difference between texture and simulated texture?

Actual texture is texture that you can feel, whereas visual or implied texture is when something looks like it has a texture it does not. For instance, the actual texture of a painting may be smooth, but the visual/implied texture may be rough and bumpy.

How is simulated blood typing activity similar to actual human blood typing?

Simulated blood typing activities mimic the process of determining blood type by testing for specific antigens and antibodies present in the blood, much like in actual human blood typing. Both involve mixing blood samples with known antibodies or antigens to observe reactions and determine blood type. This allows for practice and understanding of the principles involved in blood typing without the need for real blood samples.

What are 2 kinds of texture used in art?

Two kinds of texture in art are real or actual texture and simulated or representational texture.

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What is experimental approach?

Theoretical Approach is looking at the data and determining an outcome. Experimental Approach is performing the procedure and recording the actual oucome, which can differ from the theory or theoretical approach.