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Q: Why min max normalization why not others?
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Trace out the algorithm Max Min on a data set containing atleast 8 elements?

Steps to perform MaxMin on a data set (2,4,6,3,8,1,9,7) are:(2,4,6,3) (8,1,9,7)((2,4)(6,3)) ((8,1)(9,7))In sublist (4,6), max is 6 and min is 4. In sublist (8,9), max is 9 and min is 8.Comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4) and sublist (6,3), value of max is 6 and min is 2.Therefore, for sublist (2,4,6,3) max is 6 and min is 2.Similarly, comparing max and min values of sublist (8,1) and sublist (9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1.Therefore, for sublist (8,1,9,7) max is 9 and min is 1.Finally, comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4,6,3) and sublist (8,1,9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1. Steps to perform MaxMin on a data set (2,4,6,3,8,1,9,7) are:(2,4,6,3) (8,1,9,7)((2,4)(6,3)) ((8,1)(9,7))In sublist (4,6), max is 6 and min is 4. In sublist (8,9), max is 9 and min is 8.Comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4) and sublist (6,3), value of max is 6 and min is 2.Therefore, for sublist (2,4,6,3) max is 6 and min is 2.Similarly, comparing max and min values of sublist (8,1) and sublist (9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1.Therefore, for sublist (8,1,9,7) max is 9 and min is 1.Finally, comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4,6,3) and sublist (8,1,9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1. Steps to perform MaxMin on a data set (2,4,6,3,8,1,9,7) are:(2,4,6,3) (8,1,9,7)((2,4)(6,3)) ((8,1)(9,7))In sublist (4,6), max is 6 and min is 4. In sublist (8,9), max is 9 and min is 8.Comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4) and sublist (6,3), value of max is 6 and min is 2.Therefore, for sublist (2,4,6,3) max is 6 and min is 2.Similarly, comparing max and min values of sublist (8,1) and sublist (9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1.Therefore, for sublist (8,1,9,7) max is 9 and min is 1.Finally, comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4,6,3) and sublist (8,1,9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1. sonika aggarwal GNIIT

How do I get max to min serial or What function can I use to get max to min or min to max serial?

You can use the SEQUENCE function in Excel to create a series of numbers from max to min or min to max. For example, to create a series from 10 to 1 in descending order, you could use =SEQUENCE(10,1,-1). This formula generates a range of numbers from 10 to 1 in descending order.

What is the difference between min and max function?

The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)

Write a c program to find the sum of numbers between given limits?

int sum (int min, int max) {return (max-min+1)*(max+min)/2;}

How do you find the largest and the smallest values among 4 numbers using conditional operators?

int a, b, c, d, max, min; scanf("%d%d%d%d",&a, &b, &c, &d); (a>b)?(max=a,min=b):(max=b,min=a); (c>d)?(a=c,b=d):(a=d,b=c); max=(a>max)?a:max; min=(b<min)?b:min; printf("%d %d\n", max, min);

What is the min-max kva for an IBM 5094 and an IBM 5294?

min: 0.5 KVA MAX: 1.5 KVA

What are the highest and lowest temperatures in Fahrenheit on a thermometer?

Usually, max 212 F and min 32 F It depends on for what the thermometer will be used. My greenhouse min/max thermometer has a min of -40°F and a max of 120°F A (non-digital) clinical thermometer has a min of 94°F and a max of 108°F A cook's (sugar/jam) thermometer has a min of 100°F and a max of 400°F

What is min-max normalization?

Min-Max normalization is the process of taking data measured in its engineering units (for example: miles per hour or degrees C) and transforming it to a value between 0.0 and 1.0. The lowest (min) value is set to 0.0 and the highest (max) value is set to 1.0. This provides an easy way to compare values that are measured using different scales (for example degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit) or different units of measure (speed and distance). The normalized value is defined as: (the value - the minimum) / (the range of values). As an example, consider a temperature reading with values 20, 24, 26, 27, 30. The minimum value is 20. The maximum values is 30. The data has a range of 10 degrees. For a temperature reading of 26, the normalized value is 0.6. (26 - 20) / 10 = 0.6.

What is min max normalization?

Min-Max normalization is the process of taking data measured in its engineering units (for example: miles per hour or degrees C) and transforming it to a value between 0.0 and 1.0. The lowest (min) value is set to 0.0 and the highest (max) value is set to 1.0. This provides an easy way to compare values that are measured using different scales (for example degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit) or different units of measure (speed and distance). The normalized value is defined as: (the value - the minimum) / (the range of values). As an example, consider a temperature reading with values 20, 24, 26, 27, 30. The minimum value is 20. The maximum values is 30. The data has a range of 10 degrees. For a temperature reading of 26, the normalized value is 0.6. (26 - 20) / 10 = 0.6.

What is the min and max temp of mars?

The min and max temp of mars i 1,299 degrees celcius and -1,000,000 degrees celcius

How sparse matrix can be stored using array?

#include<stdio.h> int main() { int a[20],min,max; int n; printf("\nEnter the num of elements: "); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter the elements\n"); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); if(i==0) { min=max=a[i]; } if(a[i]<min) min=a[i]; else if(a[i]>max) max=a[i]; } printf("The largest element is %d. The smallest element is %d.", max, min); }