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Q: Is an outlier always min or max value?
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What is the difference between min and max function?

The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)The MIN function returns the lowest value from a set of values. The MAX function returns the highest value from a set of values.=MIN(A2:A20)=MAX(A2:A20)

Trace out the algorithm Max Min on a data set containing atleast 8 elements?

Steps to perform MaxMin on a data set (2,4,6,3,8,1,9,7) are:(2,4,6,3) (8,1,9,7)((2,4)(6,3)) ((8,1)(9,7))In sublist (4,6), max is 6 and min is 4. In sublist (8,9), max is 9 and min is 8.Comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4) and sublist (6,3), value of max is 6 and min is 2.Therefore, for sublist (2,4,6,3) max is 6 and min is 2.Similarly, comparing max and min values of sublist (8,1) and sublist (9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1.Therefore, for sublist (8,1,9,7) max is 9 and min is 1.Finally, comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4,6,3) and sublist (8,1,9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1. Steps to perform MaxMin on a data set (2,4,6,3,8,1,9,7) are:(2,4,6,3) (8,1,9,7)((2,4)(6,3)) ((8,1)(9,7))In sublist (4,6), max is 6 and min is 4. In sublist (8,9), max is 9 and min is 8.Comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4) and sublist (6,3), value of max is 6 and min is 2.Therefore, for sublist (2,4,6,3) max is 6 and min is 2.Similarly, comparing max and min values of sublist (8,1) and sublist (9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1.Therefore, for sublist (8,1,9,7) max is 9 and min is 1.Finally, comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4,6,3) and sublist (8,1,9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1. Steps to perform MaxMin on a data set (2,4,6,3,8,1,9,7) are:(2,4,6,3) (8,1,9,7)((2,4)(6,3)) ((8,1)(9,7))In sublist (4,6), max is 6 and min is 4. In sublist (8,9), max is 9 and min is 8.Comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4) and sublist (6,3), value of max is 6 and min is 2.Therefore, for sublist (2,4,6,3) max is 6 and min is 2.Similarly, comparing max and min values of sublist (8,1) and sublist (9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1.Therefore, for sublist (8,1,9,7) max is 9 and min is 1.Finally, comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4,6,3) and sublist (8,1,9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1. sonika aggarwal GNIIT

What type of loop is used to write a program that prompts the user for a value?

A do-while loop. Example: // Returns a user-input value in the half-closed range: [min:max) unsigned input_value (unsigned min, unsigned max) { assert (min<max); // pre-condition! unsigned value; bool success; success = false; // repeat until success is true do { printf ("Enter a value: ", min, max); scanf ("%u", &value); if (!success = (min<=value && value<max)) printf ("\n%u is out of range.\n", value); } while (!success); assert (min<=value && value<max); // post-condition! return value; }

What formula with functions in Excel can you enter to calculate the ratio of the maximum value in the range Z1 to Z10 to the minimum value?


How do you get the middle value of 3 integers in Dev C plus plus?

Use the median-of-three algorithm: int min (int a, int b) { return a<b?a:b; } int max (int a, int b) { return a<b?b:a; } int median_of_three (int a, int b, int c) { return max (min (a, b), min (max (a, b), c)); } Note that the algorithm does not cater for equal values which creates a problem when any two values are equal, because there are only two values to play with, neither of which can be regarded as being the middle value. If the equal value is the lower of the two values, the largest value is returned if and only if it is the last of the three values, otherwise the lowest value is returned. But when the equal value is the larger of the two values, the largest value is always returned. Lowest value is equal: Input: 0, 0, 1 = max (min (0, 0), min (max (0, 0), 1)) = max (0, min (0, 1)) = max (0, 1) = 1 Input: 0, 1, 0 = max (min (0, 1), min (max (0, 1), 0)) = max (0, min (1, 0)) = max (0, 0) = 0 Input: 1, 0, 0 = max (min (1, 0), min (max (1, 0), 0)) = max (0, min (1, 0)) = max (0, 0) = 0 Highest value is equal: Input: 0, 1, 1 = max (min (0, 1), min (max (0, 1), 1)) = max (0, min (1, 1)) = max (0, 1) = 1 Input: 1, 0, 1 = max (min (1, 0), min (max (1, 0), 1)) = max (0, min (1, 1)) = max (0, 1) = 1 Input: 1, 1, 0 = max (min (1, 1), min (max (1, 1), 0)) = max (1, min (1, 0)) = max (1, 0) = 1 The only way to resolve this problem and produce a consistent result is to sum all three inputs then subtract the minimum and maximum values: int median_of_three (int a, int b, int c) { return a + b + c - min (min (a, b), c) - max (max (a, b), c)); } Lowest value is equal: Input: 0, 0, 1 = 0 + 0 + 1 - min (min (0, 0), 1) - max (max (0, 0), 1) = 1 - 0 - 1 = 0 Input: 0, 1, 0 = 0 + 1 + 0 - min (min (0, 1), 0) - max (max (0, 1), 0) = 1 - 0 - 1 = 0 Input: 1, 0, 0 = 1 + 0 + 0 - min (min (1, 0), 0) - max (max (1, 0), 0) = 1 - 0 - 1 = 0 Highest value is equal: Input: 0, 1, 1 = 0 + 1 + 1 - min (min (0, 1), 1) - max (max (0, 1), 1) = 2 - 0 - 1 = 1 Input: 1, 0, 1 = 1 + 0 + 1 - min (min (1, 0), 1) - max (max (1, 0), 1) = 2 - 0 - 1 = 1 Input: 1, 1, 0 = 1 + 1 + 0 - min (min (1, 1), 0) - max (max (1, 1), 0) = 2 - 0 - 1 = 1 This makes sense because when we sort 0, 0, 1 in ascending order, 0 is in the middle, while 0, 1, 1 puts 1 in the middle.

What is the purpose of these functions Max Min Count?

MAX gives you the highest value in a specified range. MIN gives you the lowest value in a specified range. COUNT will count how many values there are in a specified range, ignoring cells that do not have numbers in them. You could use them like this: =MAX(A2:A20) =MIN(A2:A20) =COUNT(A2:A20)

What do the Max and Min functions do?

The MAX function gets the highest value in a range and the MIN function gets the lowest. If there were values in all the cells from A2 to A20, you could use the two functions to get the highest and lowest values in the range:=MAX(A2:A20)=MIN(A2:A20)

What is the variation interval?

It's called "range" in English and it is a difference between min. and max. value.

What is the 5 number summary for a box and whisker plot?

Min- the lowest value Q1- the median number between the actual median and the min Median- the "middle" number in the dataset Q3- the median number between the actual median and the max Max- the highest value

How do you determine if the graph of a quadratic function has a min or max from its equation?

If x2 is negative it will have a maximum value If x2 is positive it will have a minimum value

Functions of Min Max and Sum in Microsoft Excel?

Min gets the lowest of a range of values. Max gets the highest value. Sum adds numbers together. So if you had numbers in all the cells from A1 to A20 then: =MIN(A1:A20) will display the lowest value out of all the numbers. =MAX(A1:A20) will display the highest value out of all the numbers. =SUM(A1:A20) will give the total of all the numbers added together.

Find max and min of given number in c language?

#include<stdio.h> main() { int a[50],max,min,n; printf("enter the noof digits\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\nenter the numbers"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); } max=a[0]; min=a[0]; for(i=1;i<n;i++) { if(max<a[i]) max=a[i]; if(min>a[i]) min=a[i]; } printf("\n max is %d \n min is %d",max ,min); }