

Why number 6 was so afraid of 7?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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because seven ate nine

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Q: Why number 6 was so afraid of 7?
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Because 7 8 9!

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By implication numbers in mathematics are positive unless stated otherwise. Where confusion may arise the positive or negative sign is shown for purposes of clarity. (+6) - (-7) = ? This would normally be written as 6 - (-7) = ? If the "7" were a positive number then the result would be :- 6 - (+7) = 6 - 7 = -1, but "7" is a negative number and subtracting a negative number is equivalent to adding a positive number. So, (+6) - (-7) = 6 + (+7) = 6 + 7 = 13

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why is 6 afraid of 7... cause 7 8 9.

Why is 6 afraid if 7?

because 7 8 9. (seven ate nine) :)

Why is 6 afraid with 7?

Because seven ate nine. (7, 8, 9)