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After examining a patient's test results & not finding anything that can explain what the patient is complaining about, some doctors don't actually know the cause of the illness. At that point, some doctors will tell their patients that the illness is 'related to stress'.

Most people don't tend to argue with that claim because most people are under some amount of daily stress & they can't prove such a claim is true or false. If a person doesn't accept such an answer and the doctor can't give them an answer that will satisfy the patient, some doctors will then tell their patient the problem is psychosomatic (in the persons mind only). This is usually done to frustrate the person & to discourage the patient so s/he will go to another Doctor Who might have more of a clue or solution to their illness.

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Q: Why over 50 percent of all illnesses are closely related to stress why?
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Can a bunny die from stress?

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