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it shouldn't but heres a teachers point of view

Because of breaks and things like tht u probs miss some days of school so they extend it so you learn what was planned

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Q: Why should the school year should be longer?
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Most likely but if you went to summer school at your own free will that would give you more credit as in, longer school year

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Did obama say that kids should go to school on weekends?

Not so much weekends. He is saying the school year might need to be longer or more hours per day.

Should school hours should be longer?

Having longer school hours means more breaks less school days and longer holidays a lot of children would agree that this would be great and teachers would not complain about being behind on the lessons.School hours should be longer as well so that children grow smarter.

Should school hoursbe longer and why?

No, school hours should not be longer. You already have to sit in a classroom for 8 hours a day 5 times a week, any longer and your brain would be fried. I know i wouldn't be able to handle it any longer.

Can we have longer school days?

It depends on if Spring comes early this year.

Should children have longer school days?

No. Children spend most hours of their day at school, and afterwards have many hours of homework. If school days were to be longer, homework should be banished allowing children to be able to socialise

Should you have less homework and more school days?

***ADD YOUR ANSWER HERE***It all depends on whether you'd rather go to school for longer in the year or do some work at home every day. What do you think?

Should school be year long?


Why should schools have longer school days?

Beacuse we have to learn and its better beacuse you get to hang out with your friends for a long time.