

Why the semi log was in linear?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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Semilog (applied to a graph) means that one scale is logarithmic, the other not. The prefix "semi-" means "half" or "partially". The scale that is not logarithmic is, of course, linear.

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One axis (usually the vertical axis) is on a log scale, the other is a linear scale.

What is a semi-log graph used for?

A semi-log graph is used in plotting exponential graphs. It is used in graphing data with a very large range on one axis which does not follow a linear progression.

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Is it true if you log the all values and make regression linear?

Your question is a bit hard to understand, but I'll do my best. Sometimes taking the log of your independent variable will improve a linear fit. If you have two sets of data, X and Y, and they don't seem to fit a linear relationship, you may take the log of X, and the log of X may fit a linear relationship. Example: Suppose your data correctly fits the model y = a Xm. So plotting Y and X*, where X* is the log of X, and performing a linear regression, you obtain a slope and intercept. Your intercept is log(a). If you are using log base 10, then a (in the model) = 10intercept value and m is the slope of the semi-log line.

How do you draw a log graph?

You can get semi-log or log-log graph paper. In the first, the horizontal axis is linear while the vertical axis has a logarithmic scale. You can always use the paper sideways so that the horizontal is logarithmic and the vertical linear. The second type has both axes with logarithmic scales. Alternatively, you calculate the appropriate values and plot the results using the usual Cartesian coordinate system.

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The x axis is the total distance travelled, and the y axis is base pair equivalent (how many base pairs it's made of). It should be a linear graph.

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What are the benefits of using a semi log graph?

semi log paper is very beneficial for us because when we get a big value of the experiment then we cannot put it easily to a general graph paper because we have to take more than two or three graph paper .so in semi log paper we can easily put the big value of the experiment because we know that log(1) when the value of log is greater than we can use it.

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This is a relationship in which there is a linear relationship in 2 characters AFTER a log transformation.

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The relationship between log(period) and log(length) is linear, with slope 0.5 and intercept log(2*pi/sqrt(g))

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