

Why the value of pi is 3.14?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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15y ago

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This appears to be about pi - π - the relationship of the diameter of a circle (the length of a line throguh the centre) to the circumference (the length around the outside) of the same circle. If you could straighten out the curve of the circle then it would be pi times the diameter. This is a little over three times the length of the diameter - 3.14

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Q: Why the value of pi is 3.14?
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I'm assuming you mean the following:--------|OOO||OOO||OOO|--------Where:Each circle touches, but does not overlap, each adjacent circleThere is no gap between the edge of the circles and the edge of the squareThe area of each circle is 314 units2Let r be the radius of a circleThe area of a circle is pi x r2r = square root of (314 / pi)r = approx*. 10 unitsThe length of each side of the square = 6 x r = approx*. 60 units* approximate, because the value of pi is not exactly 3.14

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What is the appromiximate value of pi?

The approximate value of pi is 3.14159265.