At the origin, in the roman calendar, March was the 1st month of the year. So, logically, the last month was February. That's why it is the month with 28 days. Like the last child of one family, he takes what's left!
All months have 28 days. But, February is the only month that ends on the 28th.
February has only 28 days. Every four years, it has twenty nine. This is known as a "leap" year.
There were 28 days in February of 1999. Only on Leap Years is there an additional day.
The only month that has 28 or 29 days is February.
All months have 28 days. But, February is the only month that ends on the 28th.
February has only 28 days. Every four years, it has twenty nine. This is known as a "leap" year.
There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.
There were 28 days in February of 1999. Only on Leap Years is there an additional day.
The only month that has 28 or 29 days is February.
There are 30 days in April, February is the month with only 28 days (with 29 days in a leao year).
It doesn't. February is the only month that can have a different number of days in different years. In a 365-day year, February has 28 days and in a leap year, February has 29 days.
There is only 1 month that has JUST 28 days (February), but every month has at least 28 days. The answer is twelve.
Only February has exactly 28 days in a non leap year.
I believe it won't be a true 30 days in that sense it will only be 28 days.