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Q: Why use scale2 for finding the area and circumference using shell program?
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Write a shell program to find the area and circumference of the circle?

echo -n "Enter the radius of a circle : "read r# use formula to get itarea=$(echo "scale=2;3.14 * ($r * $r)" | bc)# use formula to get itd=$(echo "scale=2;2 * $r"|bc)circumference=$(echo "scale=2;3.14 * $d"| bc)echo "Area of circle is $area"echo "Circumference of circle is $circumference"# ###

What is the difference between interactive use of shell command and running a shell?

In an interactive shell session the shell program waits for the user to type in a command. When receiving a command the shell program will then attempt to locate it and process (execute) the command. You are interacting with the shell. Running a shell file requires a pre-stored series of commands stored in a file. Unless the shell program you are running is interactive then the shell executes each command in sequence, without involving the user at all.

What is Shell in shell?

The 'shell' is a user interface program that interfaces between a user of the system and the Operating System. It is the user interface.

How do you create a shell in unix?

If you are asking about a shell script, just create a text file with the commands you want to execute inside it. Then, make the file executable and readable and you have a shell script file. A shell program is more complicated; you need to support the user features that most users would expect a shell program or shell interpreter to do. I would suggest studying the source code of a current shell program to see how to go about implementing one of your own.

Can a shell be added to unix?

Certainly (yes). A shell is just a user interface program and any user can create their own if they are so inclined. If other users wish to use this new shell program (particularly as a login shell) it can be added to the /etc/shells list.

How do you run a Unix program?

By typing its name into the shell

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What is a mini shell program used for in Unix?

The mini shell program is used in Unix as a programming software. It is a redirected and streamlined approach at creating variables, commands, and tokens.

What is a shell program?

A shell program is a program that runs from the computer's command line. Although they were more common in older programs, some people still use them, as the are generally faster and and more minimalist than their graphical counterparts.

Write a Shell program to find the area and circumference of a circle?

echo "Enter the Number" read n r=`expr $n % 2` if [ $r -eq 0 ] then echo "$n is Even number" else echo "$n is Odd number" fi

What happened to the egg circumference after 72 hours in vinegar?

The shell breaks apart and the egg will expand and grow bigger!