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Tradition. It is hard to change, as it is hard to change the division of the day into 24 hours, each hour in 60 minutes, and each minute into 60 seconds.

A "decimal" degree (right angle = 100 degrees, full circle = 400 degrees) was proposed, but it was never very popular, but most scientific calculators have this as an option. In any case, in advanced math, a quite different measure is used: the radians. This system divides the full circle into 2 x pi (about 6.28), and is much more natural, meaning that formulae in advanced math become simpler when this system of angle units is used. Scientific calculators include radians as an option too; and in many computer languages, functions such as sine are automatically calculated in radians; so you need to do conversions first if your angle is in degrees.

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Q: Why use the 360 degree in mathematics?
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Why use 360 degree in trigonometry?

The ancient Babylonians thought it a good idea. 360 is approximately equal to the number of days in a year - the time it takes the earth to go around the sun. Also, 360 is divisible by lots of numbers. For advanced mathematics, you do not use 360 degrees but pi radians, anyway.

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Oh, dude, 150 percent of a 360-degree circle is like adding 50 percent more to it, right? So, 50 percent of 360 is 180, and if you add that to the original 360, you get 540 degrees. So, technically, 150 percent of a 360-degree circle is 540 degrees. Just imagine a circle doing a little extra stretch, you know?

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