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he had no choice! the monks at the Southern Air Temple. if they waited till Aang was 16 Firelord Sozin would've started the war and already killed him with the comet!

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Q: Why was Aang told he was the avatar at age 12 instead of 16?
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Is katara and Aang the same age in Avatar the Last Airbender?

No. Aang is 12 years old. I do not recall hearing Katara mention her age, but she is probably 16.

Name of the avatar in the last air bender?

An Avatar the only person who has the ability to master all four elements air, water, earth and fire. They are born in each of the nations e.g. when Avatar Aang (the current avatar who is an air nomad) dies then Korra is born in the Southern Water Tribe as that is the avatar cycle. Their job is to keep the world at peace in the world. they are the great bridge between the spirit world and the human world. The avatars have special abilities such as the avatar state- a state in which the current avatar has the power of all his past lives they become connected. once the avatar has mastered their element then they have to master the other elements in order of the avatar cycle. e.g. Aang has mastered air he must master water, earth then fire. korra has mastered water she has to muster earth, fire and air. the avatar is usually told at the age of 16 unless there is a big problem e.g. Aang is told at the age of 12 because the Fire Nation are about to start the war

How does avatar Aang die?

*******SPOILER ALERT******** When Aang goes into the avatar state. He is about to master it and Azula shocks him with lightning. He dies but Katara brings him back with the water from the north pole

What are the avatars in the last airbender?

An Avatar the only person who has the ability to master all four elements air,water,earth,fire. They are born in each of the nations e.g. when Avatar Aang (the currant avatar who is an air nomad) dies then Korra is born in the Sourthern Water Tribe as that is the avatar cycle.Their job is to keep the world at peace in the world.they are the great bridge between the spirit world and the human world.The avatars have special abilities such as the avatar state-a state in which the currant avatar has the power of all his past lives they become connected.once the avatar has mastered their element then they have to master the other elements in order of the avatar cycle.e.g. Aang has mastered air he must master water,earth,then fire.korra has mastered water she has to muster earth,fire,and air.the avatar is usally told at the age of 16 unless there is a big problem.e.g.Aang is told at the age of 12 because the fire nation is about to start the war.

How did aang die?

Aang didn't die hes the avatar and the avatar never dies. *2nd Answerer looking at 1st Answer* Idiot, then how do you explain the 1,000 Avatars before Aang and the fact one must die for the other to be born. Aang died in his Mid-Late 60s, which is very young in the Avatar World. Being frozen in the Iceberg for 100 years and holding the Avatar State all that time drained his life force; thus by the time he's in his 60s, he's unable to live any longer, but he doesn't get weakened until the end of his life; until then he's still as healthy and energetic as anyone else his age.

How did the avatar in the Last Airbender get picked?

One week after Fire Avatar Roku died after an explosive volcano eruption, Aang was born. The monks have Aang to choose four toys out of thousand of toys. Then Aang chose the Elemental Toys, each from the Air, Water, Earth and Fire. The toys which Aang picked was the toys that the previous Avatars had picked too. And, at the age of 12, the youngest so far, Aang got his Airbender tattoos, which marking him as an Airbending master and developed a new Airbending move. But the Council of Five wanted Aang to go to the Eastern Air Temple to even pursue becoming the Avatar. But Aang fled with his Sky Bison Appa. They got caught in a storm and they were pushed into the ocean by its waves. Fortunately, Aang unknowingly triggered his Avatar State. With that, he made an air sphere which covered him and Appa. The sphere got near the Southern Water Tribe which made the air sphere frozen. That was for 100 years.

Is Avatar okay for little children?

I'd have to say no. Avatar is not suitable for children under the age of 10. It may contain violance, and has a few shooting seens. But other than that, it's a great movie. Awesome animation, good story line... Which avatar? The blue people or the one with Aang in it?

Who kills Aang?

yes. at the end of Sozin's comet Aang is still alive this is because he didnt age in the iceburg so he is still 112 but if you dont include the iceburg he is 12. but he dies in the Legend of Korra at the age of 70 which if you include the iceburg 170

Where was aang born?

AangAang is a fun-loving, cheerful 12 yr old boy (biologically) who is the last of the airbenders. He turns out to be the long lost avatar (master of all 4 elements) and takes on the challenge of bringing peace to the world. By the arrows on his body you can see that he is the youngest airbender in the world.With the help of the friends he makes (Katara, Sokka, and Toph) plus his flying bison appa, aang travels the world looking for adventure and bringing peace.

What age do you have to be to watch avatar?


How much age you should be for avatar game?

recommended age is 13

How did avatar aim die?

Old age