

Why was algebra important?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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11y ago

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Algebra was first studied thousands of years ago by the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians. For most of its history, people studied and developed algebra for enjoyment and intellectual challenge. In the last couple of centuries, algebra has been used extensively in the development of science, engineering medicine, and other fields.

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Is algebra importent?

No but it is important. And so is spelling!

Why Algebra is not important in your daily lives?

It can be argued that Algebra is not important because it helps abstract thinking, which can lead to changes in our daily lives that are negative, but that is shaky as it is, and Algebra is undebatable used by everyone subconsciously from the youngest years of childhood.

Why do you think it important to study algebra?

Algebra is a basic fundamental of mathematics. If you don't do well in Algebra, chances are, you won't do well in other math areas such as Geometry and Pre-Calculus. Algebra is also an everyday thing. We use Algebra every day!

Why is factoring important to algebra?

because we can find the unown

What is algebra and why is it important?

algebra is a math subject where you use missing numbers and replace them with leters..there are different levels of algebra but im at an easy level because im only in 7th grade....algebra is important because it could help you later on in life when you need might not know when but you will need it. hope this helps!! :)

Who uses algebra?

Many people use Algebra, like doctors, builders, archetecs. Many people with good jobs use Algebra so that's why its is very important to learn Algebra. You truly use it in the future when you grow up.Algebraists use algebra.

Example of algebra in construction?

I use algebra to figure square footage, cubic footage, and angles when building, It is very important.