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Because he had a problem child

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Q: Why was mr math sad?
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When was Mr. Sad Clown created?

Mr. Sad Clown was created on 2010-04-06.

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A sad face.

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The cast of Sad Day for You Mr. Smith - 2013 includes: Frank Marable as Mr. Smith Antinio McNeill as Hit man 2

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It has too many problems.

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Mr. Angeles is a math teacher.

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Why would you want to cheat for that? How sad can you get.

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Mr. Renolds

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yep!! so sad... NOT!

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no-one because nobody is sad enough

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i dont know but 911 was very sad

What does depressing?

It means that you are sad and down in the dumps. 1. sad about something. Example: "I was depressed when I found out that my son got a F on his Math Test."

Which teacher was annoyed with Anne Frank?

The math teacher Mr. Kraler Anne did not like math.