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To solve problems ranging from the simple right-angle triangle that give the 3 basic ratios of Sine, Cosine and Tangent, via surveying and navigation, to the mathematics of such fields as harmonic analysis, vectors, electricity & electronics, etc. Indeed without Trigonometry you would not be able to ask about it on the internet: we would not even have the electricity supply.

One very important point... I have the impression that many 'Answers' users - school pupils I suspect - who regard each field of maths (Trig, Algebra, Calculus etc) as separate academic subjects. They are not: they are all interlinked topics within Mathematics, and there are many real-world problems that require all those 3 example topics in one go. For example, Integrating a harmonic function (in acoustics and electronics, for examples) needs high algebraic skill in order to combine the calculus and the trigonometry and arrive at the correct answer.

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Q: Why was trigonometry invented?
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Which country invented Trigonometry?


Who invented trigonometry?

The first recorded use of trigonometry came from the Hellenistic mathematician Hipparchus

What hipparchus was best known for?

Hipparchus was best known for many things. One of them, he invented trigonometry.

Mathematician who invented trigonometry?

my great great great great great great grandfather invented trigonometry when he was in india. He was farming and decided he did'nt want to do anything labour intensive so he went to school and invented it. his name was Sonny Gill just joking his name was sukwheep shamwinder still... just joking I don't know who it was. I like to drink water

What are the 2 branches of trigonometry?

plane trigonometry spherical trigonometry

When was trigonometry invented?

IT was created in B.C.--- **BEFORE CALCULATION** :D:D:Dlol smiley face :-):D:Total Cow DUMP!It was invented in a town called New Hartley in 1390 Athens Greece.

What are the kinds of trigonometry?

The main kinds are plane trigonometry and solid trigonometry. The latter will include trigonometry in hyper-spaces.

What is .8660 in trigonometry?

It is a number - in trigonometry or elsewhere.

What is the abbreviation or full form of trigonometry?


Who is the father of trigonometry?

Hipparchus is the father of trigonometry.

How is trigonometry applied?

Trigonometry is applied in construction and building, as trigonometry measures right angled triangles.

What is the definition of plane trigonometry?

Plane trigonometry is trigonometry carried out in (on) a plane. This could be contrasted with spherical trigonometry, which is trigonometry carried out on the surface of a sphere. Certainly there are some other more complex forms of trig.