Because multiplication and division are inverses of each other. We do the same thing with whole numbers, we just don't notice it.
12 divided by 2 equals 12 divided by 2/1 = 12 x 1/2
3/4 x 5/2 is easier to calculate than 3/4 divided by 2/5
When you divide by fractions, you invert and multiply.
When dividing one fraction by another, invert the second fraction and multiply them.
You may be referring to the rule for dividing fractions. To divide one fraction by another, you invert the second fraction (exchange numerator and denominator), and multiply instead.
The process of dividing two fractions is to invert the second one and multiply. 3/4 divided by 5/6 = 3/4 x 6/5
When you divide by fractions, you invert and multiply.
When dividing one fraction by another, invert the second fraction and multiply them.
You may be referring to the rule for dividing fractions. To divide one fraction by another, you invert the second fraction (exchange numerator and denominator), and multiply instead.
invert and multiply
(3/4) x (5/9) = (3x5)/(4x9) = 15/36, that is when you multiply fractions, you multiply the numerators and form the numerator of the result and multiply the denominators and form the denominator of the result (3/4) / (5/9) = (3/4) x (9/5) = 27/20, that is when you divide fractions, you first invert the fraction by which you are dividing and then multiply the numerators and form the numerator of the result and multiply the denominators and form the denominator of the result
Invert (flip) the second one, and then multiply them.
The process of dividing two fractions is to invert the second one and multiply. 3/4 divided by 5/6 = 3/4 x 6/5
multiplying rational expressions means multiplying two alg. rxpressions that look like fractions, Just like normal, multiply numerators and multiply denominators then reduce. Division, just like regular fractions means to invert the divisor and the multiply (as above)
Seven sixteenths. You invert, then multiply, to divide fractions.
its Dividing fractions is easy as pie, just flip the second and multiply made by krissy
There is very little that is unique about the process of dividing fractions. Multiply by the reciprocal.