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Q: Why were the franks shorter than Canadians are today?
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What punishments did the franks use that Canadians do not how can you account for these differences?

The Franks used corporal punishments like flogging, amputation, and branding, which are not used in Canada today. These differences can be attributed to evolving societal norms, legal systems, and human rights standards. Canada's legal framework emphasizes rehabilitation and restorative justice rather than retribution.

What do more than one-fourth of canadians identify themselves as being today?

More than one-fourth of Canadians identify themselves as being immigrants today. This diverse population enriches Canadian society with a variety of cultures, languages, and traditions.

How does multiculture apply to Canadians today?

Even more than it ever was. Where Canadians were once mainly British, French and Native, now we are experiencing many and varied new immigrants.

Shaiju is shorter than anil but she is taller than anup renjith is shorter than anil and shorter than anup raj is taller than renjith but shorter than anil if the statements above are true?

Shaiju is shorter than Anil, but she is taller than Anup. Renjith is shorter than Anil, and shorter than Anup. Raj is taller than Renjith, but shorter than Anil. If the statements above are true, one can validly conclude that Sathish is shorter than Shaiju if it is true that: Shaiju is equal in height to Raj Raj is equal in height to Sathish Sathish is taller than Renjith but shorter than Raj Sathish is shorter than Anil but taller than Anup Raj is taller than Sathish, but shorter than Anup

How tall was Mount Everest in 1968?

In 1968 Mount Everest was probably only a quarter of an inch shorter than what it is today.

What is shorter than you and found in North America?

"I" is shorter than "you"

What types of reading material do female Canadians read more than male Canadians?

Books about your mom :)

What is more shorter than a yard?

A foot is shorter than a yard.

Which is shorter than a meter?

A micrometre is shorter.

Which phrase will best complete the following sentence Jeremy is not only a talented athlete but also?

Shaiju is shorter than Anil, but she is taller than Anup. Renjith is shorter than Anil, and shorter than Anup. Raj is taller than Renjith, but shorter than Anil. If the statements above are true, one can validly conclude that Sathish is shorter than Shaiju if it is true that:Shaiju is equal in height to RajRaj is equal in height to SathishSathish is taller than Renjith but shorter than RajSathish is shorter than Anil but taller than AnupRaj is taller than Sathish, but shorter than Anup

Who is the tallest. Poobam is taller than ranjeet who is shorter than mohit divya is taller than manish but shorter than ranjit Mohit is shorter than poobam?


How tall were the ancient Romans compared to people today?

The ancient Romans were generally shorter than people today. This is because of factors like nutrition and healthcare improvements over time.