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Q: Why would a person be underweight with less villi than normal?
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How many pushups can a normal twelve year old do in twenty seconds?

This would depend on each individual person and how much muscle that person has built up by working out.

What is the cost per man hour for yard work?

I would say about $12 an hour per person for normal yard work. Anythig out of the ordinary should raise this price.

What populations can you think of that would not likely have a normal distribution?

There are many populations that would not likely have a normal distribution. Endangered species or unsocial animals would be such populations.

What do the numbers mean for eye sight?

You tend to have your eyesight tested from 6 meters or 20 feet away from the chart with the letters on it. If your eyesight is 6/12 (pronounced "six over twelve"), then your eyesight is not quite normal. This is because the letters you can read from 6 meters away can be read by a normal person from 12 meters away. That is, you have to be standing twice as close. If your eyesight is 6/6 (or 20/20 in feet), you are normal. If your eyesight is 6/5, you can see from 6 feet what a normal person can only see from 5 meters away. That is, they would have to take a step towards the chart to read these letters. 20/10 would mean that you can see things clearly at 20 feet that an average person can see clearly from 10. 20/20 is the standard for good eyesight.

How much should you weigh if your 4'0?

Obviously, this question has no exact answer. Some people weigh more but are shorter and others are that same height but underweight. Average would probably be from 50 lbs - 70 lbs. (Just a guess)

Related questions

Would a person be overweight or underweight if they had small intestine that has fewer villi then normal?

he would be fine! :D

Would having fewer villi in you small intestine make you underweight or overweight?

they would be underweight because they would have fewer villi and it is FEWER than normal

Would a person be overweight or underweight if they don't have a lot of vili's?

Abscence of villi would lead to malabsorption of essential vitamins and fats. So, ideally, a person would be underweight and malnourished.

What would happen if there was no villi in humans body?

Without villi in the human body, nutrient absorption in the small intestine would be greatly impaired. Villi increase the surface area for absorption, so without them, nutrients would not be efficiently absorbed into the bloodstream, leading to malnutrition and potential health issues.

Im 13 and i weigh 7 stone is that underweight?

no is normal 6 would be under 8 would be fine and 9 would be over!1

Are you overweight if your height is 163 cm and your weight is 60kgs?

no, you are just about normal. A few pounds less and you would be considered underweight!!

5 foot 10.5 inches -1.79m- and 193 pounds is this normal?

I'd say it's a little on the heavy side but it is within the normal range for that height and it also depends how much muscle you have. For a person with a lot of muscle that could even be considered underweight or for a person with very little or no muscle that would be overweight. Overall I'd say that's normal but as long as you FEEL normal then that's just fine.

Is a 6' 2 130 pound 13-year-old overweight?

No. I would venture to say that person is underweight. Another factor to consider is the person's gender.

Is 153 over weight if you r 56?

It really depends on your height, and what the fat to muscle (to bone to etc) ratio of that is. For a man of average (5'8 or so) height that sounds fairly normal. For a taller person you would be leaning towards being underweight, for a shorter person more towards overweight.

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Is 99 pounds overweight for a 14-year-old girl who is 5'?

You are at normal weight. A normal weight for your age and height is between 95 and 128 pounds. At 94 lbs you would be considered underweight.

Fingerlike projections in the intestines that absorb food?

-Villi The first answer is correct in the villi are very small finger like projections in the intestines but I would suspect the question refers to the appendix.