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One would need an adenoidectomy when their adenoid (glands that air passes when one breathes) is damaged and not able to be repaired. The surgery helps repair air flow through your body.

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Q: Why would one need an adenoidectomy?
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Why is children talking funny after they had tonsillectomy adenoidectomy and grommets in both ears?

Because it is one of a symptom of that disease.

What instructions for post op care are given for children who have had an adenoidectomy?

A child who has undergone an adenoidectomy should rest at home for at least one week to avoid possible infections at school. Swimming should not be allowed for at least 10 days after the operation

What is adenoidectomy?

surgical removal of hte adenoids from the nasopharynx.

What is a T.A?

the Abbreviations of T&A means Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy. In school it means a teacher assistant

What is the medical abbreviation meaning tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy?

T&A (yep, it's the other "T&A")

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998.11 Hemorrhage complicating a procedure

What is an adenoidectomy?

the surgical removal of the adenoids--small lumps of tissue that lie in the back of the throat behind the nose.

Your daughter is 4 and has had a tonsillectomy adenoidectomy and grommets in both ears 2 days ago she is talking funny is this normal?

erfectly normal

How is bleeding after an adenoidectomy treated?

the surgeon may insert a pack of gauze into the nose to stop the blood flow for subsequent removal after a day or two.

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