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People often make the error of assuming that analyzing things means removing creativity from the development process. Actually, the use of exact statistical analysis does not reduce creativity. In business, it allows you to better target your audience so that you can tailor your approach to your target demographic.

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Q: Why would the use of exact statistical analysis reduce creativity?
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Deatils of limitation of statistics?

Limitations of statistics:Statistics with all its wide application in every sphere ofhuman activity has its own limitations. Some of them are givenbelow.1. Statistics is not suitable to the study of qualitativephenomenon: Since statistics is basically a science and dealswith a set of numerical data, it is applicable to the study ofonly these subjects of enquiry, which can be expressed interms of quantitative measurements. As a matter of fact,qualitative phenomenon like honesty, poverty, beauty,intelligence etc, cannot be expressed numerically and anystatistical analysis cannot be directly applied on thesequalitative phenomenons. Nevertheless, statistical techniquesmay be applied indirectly by first reducing the qualitativeexpressions to accurate quantitative terms. For example, theintelligence of a group of students can be studied on the basisof their marks in a particular examination.2. Statistics does not study individuals: Statistics does notgive any specific importance to the individual items, in fact itdeals with an aggregate of objects. Individual items, whenthey are taken individually do not constitute any statisticaldata and do not serve any purpose for any statistical enquiry.3. Statistical laws are not exact: It is well known thatmathematical and physical sciences are exact. But statisticallaws are not exact and statistical laws are onlyapproximations. Statistical conclusions are not universallytrue. They are true only on an average.4. Statistics table may be misused: Statistics must be usedonly by experts; otherwise, statistical methods are the mostdangerous tools on the hands of the inexpert. The use ofstatistical tools by the inexperienced and untraced personsmight lead to wrong conclusions. Statistics can be easilymisused by quoting wrong figures of data.5. Statistics is only, one of the methods of studying aproblem:Statistical method do not provide complete solution of theproblems because problems are to be studied taking thebackground of the countries culture, philosophy or religioninto consideration.

What has the author Walter Goessens written?

Walter Goessens has written: 'An analysis of the first-fit binpacking-algorithm' 'An analysis of the next-fit binpacking-algorithm' 'An exact calculation of the expected waste for a bin-packing algorithm using items that are exponentially distributed'