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Q: Why you do not become aware of the earths curved face even you walk on it look at it and live on it?
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Nswering Why are you not aware of the earth's curved surface even while you walk on it look on it live on it?

It's too bloody big compared to you, or anything that man has built. And it's too lumpy. It is possible to become aware of the curvature at sea (ships, land moving towards you) and the Greeks even figured out the magnitude of that curvature some 2500 years ago.

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As scientists have learned more about chemicals, they have become more aware of their dangers.

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The media plays a factor. Newspapers, the T.V., and even the internet.

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you can become very ill and maybe even die or you get diabeties and that is why you need to excerise

Who can become a governor general?

Im not aware of any formal restrictions, even to the point where it is widely believed that the current GG is in fact, a republican!

Who can become a governor-general?

Im not aware of any formal restrictions, even to the point where it is widely believed that the current GG is in fact, a republican!

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The flamingo has a curved beak to help with food and filtering. They are able to scoop up food with their curved beaks.

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Chances are she is overbearing, needy, and tries to be controlling. These are issues that she needs to work out as she will do this to anyone she is with - she has become obsessive and possessive with you. These feelings can become a problem and even escalate to a serious nature - always be aware and be careful.

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Yes, ever since the early 20th Century 'light pollution' has become a problem without people even being aware of it.

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An even distribution of sunlight.

How was the Parthenon temple in Greece built?

Well, I only know a little bit of it- A <fun fact> they saw the parthenon was curved and so they made curved pillars to even it out and look straight

How can one become more aware of global rights issues through Amnesty International?

You can follow AI on Facebook or Twitter or read their research reports which they release each year, or even by volunteering with them.