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If it does, it won't stay on the ramp for long. In order to travel in a curved path, the velocity must change even if the speed remains the same.

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Q: A car traveling at 20 mph on a curved exit ramp has a constant velocity?
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Does a car traveling 20 mph on a curved exit ramp have a constant velocity?

No it does not because once you change direction you do not have a constant speed.

A car traveling 20mph on a ground exit ramp has a constact velocity?

I think that's because while it goes down the Car gains certain momentum and a pull due to gravity which makes its SPEED magnitude increase....

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Heat transfer can affect the fluid density at the nozzle exit, which in turn can impact the fluid velocity. An increase in heat transfer can lower the fluid density, resulting in an increase in velocity at the nozzle exit due to conservation of mass. Conversely, a decrease in heat transfer can raise the fluid density, leading to a decrease in velocity.

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In a Reaction turbine,the Draft Tube is used to reduce the exit velocity loss in order to minimize the exit energy loss. The conical Draft tube ensures this as the diverging area ensures a lower velocity at draft tube exit (since acc. to Q = VxA; the continuity principle,an increase in area renders a decrease in velocity) than its entry point ( at runner exit). A straight (uniform c/s draft tube) draft tube will impart no reduction in the magnitude of exit velocity and thus the employment of a draft tube at the runner exit will be futile.

What is the formula of thrust?

The formula for thrust is given by: Thrust = mass flow rate x exit velocity + (exit pressure - ambient pressure) x exit area

How much does it cost to exit Mexico?

It depends on where you are traveling from and what is your mode of transportation.

Why do rockets have a Diverging Nozzle at the exit?

To increase the exhaust velocity. +++ Pressure, not velocity. A gas flowing through a divergent nozzle gains pressure at the cost of speed.

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It may be accompanied by an exit wound, and bleeding may be profuse, depending on the nature of the injury

What exits are the shore points on NJ parkway?

Depends on where ou want to go. Garden State Parkway ends in Cape May at exit 0 then theres crazy but fun Wildwood at exit 4B preppy Stone Harbor Exit 10 so Happy traveling.

What happens to light that passes through a curved piece of glass?

Light passing through a curved piece of glass will undergo refraction due to the change in the glass density. The light rays will bend as they enter and exit the curved glass, focusing or dispersing the light depending on the shape of the curve.

How does the size of the exit chamber affect the amount of thrust?

The size of the exit chamber affects the velocity at which exhaust gases are expelled, which in turn affects the thrust generated by a propulsion system. A larger exit chamber allows for a greater volume of exhaust gases to expand and accelerate, resulting in higher thrust output. Conversely, a smaller exit chamber may restrict gas expansion and reduce thrust.

Can You calculate the velocity of a fart?

Generally wind speed is measured using a cup anemometer (wind speed measuring device). The velocity of a flatulation will decrease as it leaves the anus, so to properly measure the velocity the measurement would have to be done before the exit. Theoretically you could measure the velocity of the gases by placing a miniature cup anemometer with walls inside the rectal tract close to the anus to give an approximate wind speed (velocity) of the gases.