

Why you need exponents?

Updated: 11/3/2022
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12y ago

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Every computer programmer have to learn math specially exponents,

and here is the reason

computer memory is strictly limited by the amount of hardware you have.

so you need to know the total amount of numbers you can store in one block of memory (in computer numbers can represent any thing audio-images-text..)

and also in cracking passwords in a way called brute force where all the possible letters and numbers are tried,

and to do that you can use the simple function :

x = y^n

Where x is the total amount of numbers(values) that can be represented(stored) in a block of memory that its size(store places) is n,

y is the count of digits in the counting system you use for example

binary = 2 (0 or 1)

decimal = 10 (0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9)

hexadecimal = 16 (0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or a or b or c or d or e or f)

for example to know the maximum value you can represnt by a 2 digits(boxes) decimal number:

value = 10^2 = 100 (from 0 to 99)

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Only if the numbers to be converted into scientific notation are the same otherwise the exponents can vary according to the size the numbers.

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The exponents are added.

I need help with a math question but it involves exponents How do i ask a question on here with exponents?

use the super-script button it looks like this..... x2 it is usually the 6th button

When adding numbers with exponents do you add or subtract the exponents?

you do not do anything when you add numbers with exponents. you just figure out the answer. it is only if you multiply numbers with exponents, where you add the exponents..

When adding numbers with fraction exponents do you add the exponents?

Fractional exponents follow the same rules as integral exponents. Integral exponents are numbers raised to an integer power.

Why you need exponents in our real life?

it deals with bank accounts and interest (compounding interest)

When you are multiplying exponents do you only add the exponents or do you also multiply the bases?

Add the exponents

How are the laws of rational exponents similar to laws of integer exponents?

The laws of exponents work the same with rational exponents, the difference being they use fractions not integers.

Are there variables in exponents?

In algebraic equations, exponents can contain variables. They can be solved for by using logarithmic rules for exponents.

What are the rules adding and subtracting exponents?

When multiplying something with exponents, you add it. When dividing something with exponents, you subtract it.