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measurments are a tipe of tape that measures=

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Q: Why you take face left and face right measurements in theodolite?
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Why to take left face and right face readings while using theodolite?

Face left and face right are taken to reset the posoition of the theodolite so additional measurements can be raken

What is meant by face left face right in theodolite?

When the vertical circle of the theodolite is to the left of observer, it is in face left position. Similarly when the vertical circle is to the right of observer it is in face right position.

What do you mean by face left and face right observations?

Face left observation(In theodolite survey):If the face of the vertical circle is to the left of the observer, the observation of the angle is known as Face left observationFace Right observation(In theodolite survey):If the face of the vertical circle is to te right of the observer, the observation of the angle is known as Face right observation

What do you mean by face left and face right observation?

Face left observation(In theodolite survey):If the face of the vertical circle is to the left of the observer, the observation of the angle is known as Face left observationFace Right observation(In theodolite survey):If the face of the vertical circle is to te right of the observer, the observation of the angle is known as Face right observation

Definition of face left and face right observation?

Face left observation(In theodolite survey):If the face of the vertical circle is to the left of the observer, the observation of the angle is known as Face left observationFace Right observation(In theodolite survey):If the face of the vertical circle is to te right of the observer, the observation of the angle is known as Face right observation

What is the Definition of face left and face right surveying?

taking readings using theodolite keeping the vertical circle of the instrument on left side of the observer is called a face left observation and to measure horizontal angle the instrument is rotated(swing) in horizontal plane with respect to the vertical axis in a clockwise direction called rigt swing.

How do you check telecom tower verticality y using Thodolite?

*find a theodolite or total station *check for collimation *check theodolite vertical axis *set up the theodolite a distance away from the foot of the tower, or closer but using a diagonal eye piece *use left face to bisect bottom point and clamp the horizontal plate *check the tower zenith transit and use the right face to bisect the bottom point and do as explained above *dont forget to record readings of every stage.

When a man wears a belt which side does the buckle face right to left or left to right?

left to right

Why does the hatchet man face left?

it faces left but looking at it should always face right

Can a left handed bowling ball be drilled for a right hand?

There is no such thing as a left or right handed bowling ball. When the ball is drilled the pattern will be based on the left hand or right hand measurements.

Does Lincoln's head on a penny face left or right?

The head is to the right.

What are five things on your face?

Left eye, right eye, left nostril, right nostril, upper lip.