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In representing large numbers, English texts use commas (or spaces) to separate each group of three digits. This is almost always done for numbers of six or more digits, and optionally for five (or even four) digits. This makes it easier to read the number without having to count how many place holders there are in the number as a whole.

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Q: Why you use commas when writing large numbers?
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How do you use a comma when writing in expanded form?

I do not use commas.

Where do you use commas in your writing?

You use commas when your writing a list of things like fruit names. You would not just leave it like this apple orange grapes and pear. You would rather use commas like this apple, orange, grapes and pear.

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Generally you use commas to define triplets of numbers (from the right). so 300698 = 300,698

Do Mexicans use commas?

Yes, Mexicans use commas in writing to separate items in a list, to mark off introductory words or phrases, and to separate clauses in a sentence. The use of commas in Mexican Spanish follows the same principles as in other varieties of Spanish.

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When is it not appropriate to use commas?

You do not always need to use a comma for pauses. Make sure to not overuse commas in your writing.

Do you use a comma in writing the year?

Commas used for the year won't be necessary until the year reaches 10,000

How do you say 8.789.000?

Depending on your punctuation it may be eight million seven hundred and eighty nine thousand or eight point seven eight nine, the trailing three zeros are not significant in that case.When large numbers are represented to others that use numbers scientific notation is used to prevent confusion and to be accurate. However, it is more usual to use commas to separate groups of three when writing numbers.

How many commas can you have in a sentence?

In English grammar, you can have as many commas as needed in a sentence to separate items in a list, set off introductory phrases, or separate clauses. However, using too many commas can make a sentence confusing or difficult to read. It is important to use commas judiciously to enhance clarity and flow in writing.

Why is it incorrect to use comas in the metric system?

Using commas in the metric system can lead to confusion, as commas are used as decimal points in some countries while periods are used in others. To maintain consistency and avoid errors, it is best to follow the standard convention of using periods as decimal points in the metric system.

Do most short introductory phrases use commas?

Yes, it is common to use commas following short introductory phrases to help separate the phrase from the main part of the sentence. This helps improve clarity and readability in writing.