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it depends what the cube is made out of

it depends what the cube is made out of

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Q: Will a perfect cube sink or float?
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Would a cube that's 50 gram sink or float in water?

it would sink

What happens when you place an ice cube in a beaker of water does it float or sink?

float dua

Will 5 cm cube sink or float in seawater?

It depends on the density of the cube, not the length of its side.

Will the wooden cube float in water?

It depends on the density of the wood. If the wood is less dense than water, the cube will float. If the wood is more dense than water, the cube will sink.

Does tar float or sink?

It will float for a while than slowly sink because its density as a cube is Heavier than water (by the way waters density is 0.9-1.0 g and Tar is 1.02 g). I hereby conclude with all reasons that tar ( in a shape of a cube) will float then sink

A cube measuring 2cm on each side weights 5g will it sink or float?

Calculate its volume. Divide mass by volume to get its density. Compare that to the density of water - assuming you want to figure out whether it will float or sink in water.

What is inside orange juice that makes the ice cube float longer?

The sugar content in orange juice makes the ice cube float longer. The higher the sugar content, the more dense the liquid becomes, causing the ice cube to float rather than sink.

Is the density of the human body greater than or less than one grqmper centimeter cube?

Your question is the same as "Do people sink or float in fresh water?" When I breath in, I float in the swimming pool; when I breathe out, I sink. Try it.

What happens if a ice cube embedded with a cork melts?

If the ice cube melts, the cork will float on the liquid water that was previously frozen as ice. Cork is less dense than water, so it will float rather than sink.

How do you get an ice cube to sink?

To get an ice cube to sink in water, you need to increase its density. You can achieve this by adding salt to the water. The salt water is denser than the ice, causing the ice cube to sink.

Do clothes float or sink?

it will float as long as it is not fully covered water.

Why does only light things float in salt water?

Whether things float or sink this depend only on the density , the density of the salt water is aprox. 1030 kilogram per meter cube so if you but things have density less than that they will float , things with higher density sink.