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More or less. There are slight variations, due to differences in gravity, and the centrifugal pseudoforce.

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Q: Will objects weigh the same no matter where they are on earth?
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What two things have the the same mass?

Two objects with the same mass would have the same amount of matter, meaning they would weigh the same when measured.

What weighs the same no matter how big it is?

If I understood your question right, then any two or more objects will weigh the same if they contain equal amount of the same substance.

Would you have more mass on the moon than earth?

No, your mass would remain the same on the Moon as it is on Earth. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and is independent of gravity. However, your weight would be different on the Moon due to the lower gravitational pull compared to Earth.

If two objects weigh the same is their mass equal?

Yes, if two objects have the same weight, then their mass is equal. Weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity, while mass is the amount of matter in an object. In the context of Earth's gravity, objects with the same mass will have the same weight.

Did size of the earth is increased means gravity of earth will increase or not?

If the Earth became bigger but its mass remained the same, then objects on its surfacewould weigh less than they do now.If the Earth became bigger and its mass also increased, (with average density remainingconstant), then objects on its surface would weigh more than they do now.

Why do objects weigh less on the moon than they do on the earth?

Objects weigh less on the moon than on Earth because the moon has less mass and gravity. The gravitational force on the moon is only about 1/6th that of Earth's, so objects weigh less due to the weaker gravitational pull.

What is the gravitational pull of the Uranus?

it is the same as earth's 9.8 m/seconds squared

Would you weigh the same on mercury as you do on earth?

No. On Mercury you would weigh 37% of what you weigh on Earth.

Do An object on Earth weighs six times more than on the moon?

Yes, objects on the moon would weigh six times less, but keep in mind that the objects mass stays the same.

Does a brick weigh the same on earth as it does in space?

Yes, the weight of an object is dependent on its mass and the force of gravity acting upon it. Therefore, a brick would weigh the same on Earth as it does in space, assuming the gravitational force is the same.

Gravity gives you your mass true or false?

False. Gravity does not give you mass. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, whereas gravity is a force that acts on objects with mass.

Is your weight on the moon be the same as it is on the earth?

No, your weight on the Moon would be about one sixth of your weight on Earth due to the lower gravity on the Moon. This means that if you weighed 150 pounds on Earth, you would weigh around 25 pounds on the Moon.